Ich würde ja echt gerne mal wieder #Dwarffortess spielen, aber irgendwie spielte ich das immer "falsch". Ich niste meine Zwerge auf der oberen Ebene ein, dann geht's ihnen gut, und sie leben gemütlich vor mich hin. Die "Action" kommt wohl, wenn man tiefer gräbt, die Welt erforscht usw. Aber wozu? Sie haben essen, Bier und einen Berg über dem Kopf. 🤔
Overall, my dwarves seem to be in a meh mood
Got 60 yellow / content ones, the rest is happy to very happy.
Currently digging for lava.
And spent way too many hours again today
I just realized I had an entrance to the caverns open the whole time.
Really wanna continue playing #DwarfFortess but gotta go to the city first. Bring back books into the library, then going swimming
@Dangerous_beans this is still one of my fav moments in #dwarffortess
So, for anyone wondering how to move a cage (with occupant) in #dwarffortess ... you go to where you want to put the cage and thing, click to build a new cage (you NEED to make sure you are on selecting the material that it's to be made from, NOT on auto select). From the pop-up, you click the arrow beside the materials until you see, in the list of materials, the cage with the thing listed. Select it.
It's a bit weird, but that'll effectively move that cage and thing to the new location.
Also, insofar as what I was doing while listening to the song: I’ve started learning how to use mine carts and there are so many nails to hit with this hammer.
I regret not learning them before.
Still trying to sort out a multi stop deposit setup. :blobcatthink: I’ve got so many spoils of battle to claim/melt.
I think for my next Dwarf Fortress game I'll install a bunch of (non-playable) mod races and hope for some extra FUN!! 😄
Ive learned you cant stockpile yak hair thread so im offloading 344 of it on a human trader. Reverse yak shaving #dwarffortess
I wonder if the popularity of #dwarffortess will stick. I wonder if it'll have more of an effect on other games. It's gotta, right?
I lost my whole fortress to a weremongoose outbreak, but right as the last remaining dwarf bled out, new migrants came.
We're still in business baby!!!
Just tried #dwarffortess on #steam . Impressive interface, nice looking, very playable. Time for my kids to play it ;)
Btw, my very first fortress ended up flooded xD four dwarfs drowned, one weak with no water locked in his room with a dead guy there. And some naive guys just arrived when I decided to abandon it. As always, losing is FUN!
Currently just have to find out how to select several type of items to be stored in one same stockpile, I just managed to have an all or just one type...
I usually get bored with games after half an hour, but I could easily spend all day playing #dwarffortess
A necromancer became my mayor. Don't see any way for this to go badly.
A necromancer became my mayor. Don't see any way for this to go badly.
If I get my friend dwarf fortress for Christmas, will I ever see them in meatspace again?
#dwarffortess #pcgaming #gaming
So I have been playing a lot of the new release, and have a fortress in a glacier.
My original attempt to melt ice to irrigate and farm near the surface failed, so they delved deep into the earth.
Fast forward a couple years, and one of the caverns is perpetually invaded by cave swallow people... and "Forgotten Beast"s that are basically fighting each other and the cave swallow. The outside of the fortress in the cavern is an abattoir.
Another cavern has been sealed for the greater good.