3️⃣ It's also a ridiculously wordy comic. Some pages almost have more balloons taking up space than artwork! All this dialogue works against the supposed tension of the situation. We're meant to believe that every second counts. But this takes a long time to read.
On Sale Date: September 1, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #88.
#MarcMcLaurin (9 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (8 of 10).
#marcmclaurin #dwayneturner #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ Indeed, thanks to this script we have no reason to care about any of this. Of why it took Cage so long to break free. The character he came to save dies in his arms, having taken bullets meant for him. “Don’t sweat it, Cage,” he says as his final words. “I’m a free man, ‘cause a you.” This reads like a parody of a bad comic. Why wasn’t anyone at Marvel embarrassed to publish this?
On Sale Date: August 4, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #76.
#MarcMcLaurin (7 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (6 of 10).
#marcmclaurin #dwayneturner #90scomics
After a while it all begins to read like a parody, and it becomes unintentionally funny.
3️⃣ A step down from the below-average first part. What on earth will part three be like?!
On Sale Date: July 7, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #41.
#MarcMcLaurin (7 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (6 of 10).
#marcmclaurin #dwayneturner #90scomics
4️⃣ It’s not a bad comic, just an unappealing one. It lacks clarity. It lacks likeable characters.
On Sale Date: June 2, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #51.
#MarcMcLaurin (6 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (5 of 10).
#marcmclaurin #dwayneturner #90scomics
On Sale Date: May 5, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #29.
#MarcMcLaurin (5 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (4 of 10).
#marcmclaurin #dwayneturner #90scomics #1990s
#LukeCage #3
1️⃣ This is the only story with this group of villains. Which says a lot. Nitro and Tombstone will be around long after this, of course. But the other two losers... won’t.
2️⃣ It’s a messy read, with several flashbacks getting in the way of a weak plot. None of the characters are likeable, and they make dumb decisions. Three issues in, and I really don’t care about any of this.
On Sale: April 7, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #16.
#MarcMcLaurin (4 of 21).
#DwayneTurner (3 of 10).
#lukecage #marcmclaurin #dwayneturner