On Monday, Sept 11th, we’re starting our fall series of #DWebYVR #DWebDropIn Coworking. It will be a morning 10am - 1pm timeslot.
Will be hosted by David from FeathersJS, who previously ran Coworking & Coffee for many years.
Thanks to @internetarchive for hosting at The Permanent in downtown #Vancouver
Invite your friends, let us know you’re coming https://lu.ma/dwebyvr-dropin
#dwebyvr #dwebdropin #vancouver
Finally put up the notes from #DWebYVR #DWebYVRDropIn from last Friday, Aug 18th https://dwebyvr.org/DWeb-Drop-In/#august-18th-notes
Tomorrow is the community garden dinner, and we'll be working on a regular fall schedule of #Vancouver #coworking after our August test run.
#dwebyvr #dwebyvrdropin #vancouver #coworking
This Friday Aug 18th we're doing our second #DWebYVR drop in coworking at @internetarchive in #Vancouver.
Join us for coworking 2-5pm, or bring friends & colleagues for a 5pm-6pm end of week happy hour and networking. Or both!
Let us know you're coming
@pauldaoust we’re doing two quick ones in a row — next one is next Friday.
They are small drop ins. We had a bunch of enthusiastic people come today, and @manlycoffee who runs a Fediverse meetup group came and we talked about doing some evening events.
So…. I’d actually be happy to _plan_ an event in the fall ahead of time and have you present and get good numbers of people out.
The link to the #DWebYVR group signal chat is on the website. https://dwebyvr.org — join & let’s chat!
Great wifi and a water station, and of course some blinking lights from the Internet Archive servers.
Getting started with #Vancouver #DWebDropIn - a day of coworking and meeting other people in the #DWeb
We’re hosted today by the @internetarchive at The Permanent at 330 W Pender and will be here until 1pm.
We’ve got power & wifi, tables for individual work or small group discussions, and you can take private calls in the vault.
#vancouver #dwebdropin #dweb #dwebyvr
Just got my email reminder for #DWebYVR drop in coworking tomorrow Wednesday Aug 9th at @internetarchive Permanent Library Space in downtown #Vancouver
Starts at 10am, runs to 1pm, bring your laptop & something to work on. Small group meetings OK too!
Let us know you’re coming or register for next week’s version on Friday afternoon https://lu.ma/dwebyvr-dropin
Next week, on Wednesday, August 9th, we're hosting the first #DWebYVR drop in coworking at The Permanent
This is a drop-in, so feel free to come any time in the 3 hour period when the hosts will be there. There will be tables, chairs, power bars, and wifi to use, you can use the space for a small group meeting, and otherwise meet local folks working on DWeb.
Thank you to @internetarchive for making this space available!
#dwebyvr #vancouver #dwebyvrdropin #coworking #dweb
I’m hosting the first #DWebYVR Community Garden Dinner this evening. We’re going to aim to hold them monthly.
Let us know you’re coming / register for future ones here https://lu.ma/dwebyvr-garden-dinners
5pm - 8pm drop in at East 4th at Scotia in the CoFood Vancouver garden.
Emily, my cohost, will tell us about #CoFoodVancouver and the garden space there.
I’ll talk about #CoSocialCa, the Canadian social media co-op I help run.
Bring your own discussion topics & something to drink & eat.
#dwebyvr #cofoodvancouver #cosocialca
@shauna there are many ways of publishing using Git / Github.
I use Obsidian + Quartz https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz to power #DWebYVR https://dwebyvr.org
I use @TiddlyWiki static publishing to make my FoodWiki https://foodwiki.bmann.ca
The #Jekyll based Digital Garden Template is perhaps the simplest https://github.com/maximevaillancourt/digital-garden-jekyll-template
And my personal site uses #LogSeq https://bmannconsulting.com but has some issues
We’re having a #DWebYVR catch-up in the collective garden at Scotia & East 4th.
It’s run by coFoodVancouver which is all about collaboration + food.
It’s my first time here. It reminds me of the back deck at c-base in Berlin a bit. https://cofoodvancouver.com/
DWebYVR Organizers Garden Gathering June 30th
We're doing a catch up next Friday afternoon to talk about what to work on next for #DWebYVR, plus share what we're all working on.
Open to all, come meet us in the garden if you want to organize or attend events in Vancouver.
#dwebyvr #vancouver #event #dweb
I just finished an intro call with a community mesh networking project here in #Vancouver called #StolonMesh https://www.stolonmesh.ca/, being initiated through 221A.
I’m excited about supporting this with #DWebYVR after the first time we tried this back in 2006!
#vancouver #stolonmesh #dwebyvr
I added an organization entry for the Red Guard Arts Society to the #DWebYVR site https://dwebyvr.org/Red-Gate-Arts-Society/
Turns out they just launched a #Vancouver #music scene focused Mastodon server. It’s great to see arts orgs like this join the fediverse!
Follow @riley and tell your local musician friends.
@riley heya! #Vancouver music scene Mastodon Server looks like a great idea!
I let a couple people know and will add you to the list at #DWebYVR and elsewhere
Let us know how #CoSocialCa can help.
#vancouver #dwebyvr #cosocialca
@manlycoffee awesome! I added it to the #DWebYVR calendar https://lu.ma/dwebyvr
Who is Emily? An amazing leader who just filled out her bio on the #DWebYVR website https://dwebyvr.org/emcgill
Ok! Emily is taking the lead on hosting the next #DWebYVR event, Feb 15th @ The Permanent Internet Archive Canada.
Looking for speakers to do a collection of short lightning talks.
Sign up to attend & let us know if you want to present https://dwebyvr.org/
Probably not a super great idea to stay up this late (early?), but it was super fun fleshing out a first draft #DWebYVR site https://dwebyvr.github.io/notes/
Used the Digital Garden #Jekyll Template by @vaillancourtmax
Really such a clean and simple system with #wikilinks and backlink support built in.