#BricsCAD work very fine under #Linux is professional #CAD software with many licensing type. If you use Linux for professional works this can be the best choice, uses the #ACIS Kernel for #3D with parametric modeling and is a native #dwg application. #2D #DXF #BIM https://www.bricsys.com/
#bim #dxf #2d #dwg #3d #ACIS #cad #Linux #bricscad
@killyourfm @thunderbird @elementary "#qcad Professional", a 2D CAD program that I use to edit my customers' factory layouts in #dwg.
Since #draftsight isn't working anymore on #linux from today, I'm trying to convert my #DWG files into #DXF format using ODA File Converter. Should be possible hten to open them with #QCAD #LibreCAD or #FreeCAD
#linux #dwg #dxf #qcad #librecad #freecad #autocad #draftsight #cad
Since #draftsight isn't working anymore on #linux from today, I'm trying to convert my #DWG files into #DXF format using ODA File Converter. Should be possible hten to open them with #QCAD #LibreCAD or #FreeCAD
#linux #dwg #dxf #qcad #librecad #freecad #autocad #draftsight #cad