Flt: #EJA604 #NetJets #DWH-#TEX
First seen: 2023/06/21 15:03:25
Min Alt: 4600 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.64 nm
Peak Audio: -60 dBFS
Loudness: 0 dB
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a7d78a #eja604 #netjets #dwh #tex #planefence #adsb
A fantastic article on new BigQuery pricing. It's super informative, delves deep into the details, and even sheds light on how to figure out if one of the newly introduced tiers could benefit you. Check it out! https://www.doit.com/bigquery-editions-and-what-you-need-to-know/
#bigquery #gcp #dwh
RT biconnections: A step-by-step guide to setting up a #datagovernance program
In this article we will share our approach to developing a #datagovernance program to drive #data t ..
RT biconnections: The Future Of #Data In Banking;In the mid-90s, Bill Gates said that ‘banking is necessary, banks are not.’ This sentiment has deepened among the population over the last decade, with public opinion turning agai
RT biconnections: Seven ways to make real-time technology real for your organization;Everyone wants or needs to build and manage real-time systems these days. With the move to the edge, and growi
#MachineLearning #analytics #dwh
RT biconnections: Cohort Analysis in the Age of #Digital Twins;To be actionable, #bigdata and #datascience must get down to the level of the individual – whether the individual is a customer, physician, patient, te
#Digital #BigData #DataScience #dwh
RT biconnections: Automated Text Classification Using Machine Learning;Digitization has changed the way we process and analyze information. There is an exponential increase in online availability of inform
haven't been posting here a lot but do want to remind you (or inform you) that I host a regular webcast called "Drinking with Historians" #DWH
All drinkers are welcome. think of it like a fun happy hour with some smart people, talking about interesting stuff
sign up for updates at https://drinkinghistorians.substack.com/
#dwh #bigdata #datalake #prestodb #trino #clickhouse #disworks #bigdata
Два подхода к Data Warehouse на 2-3 и 120 IT-ков:
- https://habr.com/ru/post/593809/
- https://habr.com/ru/company/mediascope/blog/593685/
Мой стек позволяет обрабатывать тот же объем данных (11млрд/мес), что и компании 2, хоть и не так глубоко, но на серваке за $200/мес и $0 за ПО
- Витрина вместо BI: Zeppelin + R/Python
- Lake: file.gz + S3
- ETL: dataiku dss
- Процессинг: NiFi
- DB: clickhouse
- Doc/беcсхемное: ArangoDB
- Агрегация разных баз: Trino?
#dwh #bigdata #datalake #prestodb #trino #clickhouse #disworks