Returning to the ever lovely and caring #DWP, I wonder if they are in some sort of weird competition with the Home Office to be the most detested Government Department?
DWP stops woman’s benefits after she said she worked one second over limit | Benefits | The Guardian
Work capability test changes ‘could cost some claimants £400 a month’ | Welfare | The Guardian
#WCA #WorkinggFromHome #universalcredit #uc #UnfitForWork #UnfitToWork #poverty #dwp
Whoops. Hit post by accident
Hash tag list:
#dwp #benefits #UnfitToWork #UnfitForWork
Tories take benefits from the poor to pay ‘forgotten’ debt
#benefits #tories #poverty #taxcredits #TaxCreditOverpayment #universalcredit #uc #debt #dwp #deductions #DeductionsFromBenefits
Djakarta Warehouse Project unveils phase one lineup for monumental 15th edition in Bali #2023_09_05 #dancing_astronaut #natalie_pereira #news #alok #david_guetta #dimitri_vegas_and_like_mike #dj_snake #djakarta_warehouse_project #dwp
#2023_09_05 #dancing_astronaut #natalie_pereira #news #alok #david_guetta #dimitri_vegas_and_like_mike #dj_snake #djakarta_warehouse_project #dwp
Once again the #DWP is in the spotlight over its opaque and secretive use of #AI to assess social security claims.
They have been body-swerving accountability and transparency for far too long; failing to publish details of bias and outcomes of impact assessments (if they have even done any) is highly irresponsible and negligent.
Exclusive: Disabled people are ‘set up to fail’ by the DWP in target-driven disability benefits system, whistleblowers reveal
#dwp #disabled #whistleblower #SetUpToFail #pip #TheBigIssue
No10 crackdown on racism as minister warns officials n-word slurs won’t be tolerated | The Independent
#racism #no10 #CabinetOffice #tories #dwp #foreignoffice #metoffice #RoyalCollectionTrust #RoyalCollection #rct
netmums repeats DWP propaganda over Universal Credit changes
#dwp #backtowork #WorseOffInWork #MakingWorkPay #MakingWorkPayNot #ChildcareCosts #sanctions #timepoverty #poverty #children
700,000 people to be hit by punitive #DWP #UniversalCredit changes, as netmums plays it down
I could write a novel in the time it's taking the #DWP to answer. #UKPolitics #IAmWiriting or at least I would be.
Get on your bike and deliver takeaways to earn extra cash, minister tells over 50s | The Independent
#stride #WorkAndPensionsSecretary #dwp #Over50s #deliveroo #tories #disabled #MidLifeMOTs #employers #GetOnYourBike
The term chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is used to describe an illness that is characterised by physical and mental fatigue and fatigability
#unum #maximus #dwp #myalgicencephalomyelitis #LongCovid #pwme #pwLC
Parliament will finally debate #PIP and how the #DWP manages it. MPs must be there.
No 10 ‘confident’ no other racial slurs in official documents as it refuses n-word investigation | The Independent
#racism #no10downing #racialslurs #BritishInstitutions #dwp #metoffice #snp #greenparty #labour
#DWP guidance on benefit assessments forced to be withdrawn over n-word slur
What. the actual. fuck.
"DWP guidance on benefit assessments forced to be withdrawn over n-word slur
Deeply offensive racist term used in DWP benefits guidelines since 2010 – and only removed after Independent investigation"
#FuckTheTories #DWP #UKPolitics #Racism
#racism #ukpolitics #dwp #FuckTheTories
#DWP crowing about extra disabled cost of living payment - but it barely scratches surface
DWP announces another NHS-based work programme
#disability #disabled #ChronicallySick #chronicallyill #dwp #VoluntaryWork #VoluntaryNotVoluntary #EmploymentSupport #IndividualPlacementAndSupportInPrimaryCare #IPSPC #outsourcing #nhs #gps #NotJustClaimants #DWPInNHS #privatisation #USModelHealthcare #mentalhealth #medicalrecords #ips #WorkAsTreatmentForMHIssues #me #ExcerciseTherapy #Costcutting