Is the DWP deliberately disallowing PIP claims by losing or delaying forms? | Vox Political
Scottish benefits claimants are £580 better-off than their English and Welsh counterparts because of changes to benefits rules, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has found.
The IFS also believes that differences between PIP and the Scottish Adult Disability Payment (ADP) will lead to a higher proportion of claimants in Scotland getting disability benefits in the first place. They will also keep them for longer.
The DWP also repeatedly lied to the claimant by denying that she had a right to ask them to consider waiving the debt, denials which the judge called ‘manifestly unlawful’.
Evidence in the trial revealed that in the year to March 2021 a total of 337,000 universal credit claimants were asked to repay overpayments whose cause was error by the DWP. The total value of those overpayments was £228 million
The DWP deliberately lied to a claimant about their rights and unlawfully kept legal guidance secret in order to recover an overpayment of over £8,000 which was entirely due to the DWP’s own mistakes.
The High Court has this month prevented the DWP from taking the money back from the mother of two disabled children, but many tens of thousands more claimants may have been hoodwinked in the same way.
DWP uses secrets and lies to unlawfully snatch back money from claimants | Benefits and Work | Vox Political
#dwpcrimes #ToryDemocide #torymurderers
DWP could owe thousands of benefit claimants around £3,000 each - Liverpool Echo
DWP benefits deaths: secret reviews show problems are systemic
Universal Credit Sanctions ‘Back With A Vengeance’
In the last quarter, the number of UC sanctions was 250% higher than in the three months before the pandemic.
In June 2022, £34 million was taken from claimants by way of sanctions, in July £34.9 million and in August, over £36 million. That’s over £100 million taken from the pockets of claimants already struggling to pay for necessities.
Universal Credit Sanctions ‘Back With A Vengeance’
In the last quarter, the number of UC sanctions was 250% higher than in the three months before the pandemic.
In June 2022, £34 million was taken from claimants by way of sanctions, in July £34.9 million and in August, over £36 million. That’s over £100 million taken from the pockets of claimants already struggling to pay for necessities.