Control your #RaspberryPi remotely with #DWService
#raspberrypi #dwservice #openkmitl #foss4change
The 4 computers in my room all run #PCLinuxOS, are connected by #Barrier software #KVM, and accessible remotely via #DWService
#dwservice #kvm #barrier #pclinuxos
I do use tigervnc 99% of the time.
RealVNC is nice when I'm not on the same network.
I do always prefer #FOSS solutions, though, so I'm open to ditching it.
Right now, it's easiest for when I need to access a box from my phone.
Otherwise #dwservice (which is FOSS, AFAIK) works reasonably well.
Alternative a TeamViewer
Sempre più persone lavorano da remoto e spesso c'è bisogno di assistenza virtuale. Quali sono le migliori alternative a TeamViewer?
LINK -->
#OltreGoogle #dwservice #linux #nomachine #remotely #teamviewer #ultravnc #windows #zoho
#OltreGoogle #dwservice #linux #nomachine #remotely #teamviewer #ultravnc #windows #zoho
Enjoying using to access all my machines from anywhere.
Posted on a couple of Forums about DWService Remote Control which I am enjoying using.Here is one of the posts:,11178.msg107305.html#msg107305 #DWService
Salut, j'ai testé #dwservice en local : ça marche nickel. J'entends un collégue (toi si tu veux) pour tester par internet et avec d'autres OS que Debian/Debian...
Thanks for your suggestion! The appealing aspects are that it is free for up to 30 computer and that no client application is required. So I'm going to give #DWService a shot!
A first installation at the office seems painfully slow despite of GB-Ethernet :mastoflushed:
Do you know whether DWS always routes through the web (the ADSL connection is weak here - Uplink: 16 Mbit DS / 1 MBit US)?
I'll try to connect again later from a client with a faster web link...
Checkout #DWService. It's an ace cross-platform open-source remote desktop access app. #FOSS #TeamviewerAlternative.
#dwservice #foss #teamvieweralternative
#dwservice est nickel. Personnellement il a remplacé avantageusement TeamViewer depuis pas mal de temps. Compatible Linux/MacOS/Windows
@la_spa_montlucon @sebsauvage
Page d'aide si besoin
Merci @sebsauvage pour cette excellente présentation de #dwservice, une solide alternative à #teamviewer.
Le moment venu, mes clients et amis qui voudront verser leur #dondumois pour ce service devrons aussi donner pour l'exemplaire défricheur que tu es !
#dwservice #teamviewer #dondumois
Premier début de réponse :
Le site semble hébergé chez OVH (
Le serveur de connexion aussi (
Je viens de tester #DWService (alternative à #TeamViewer)
Au passage, merci à @sebsauvage pour le lien.
C'est pas mal du tout !
Par contre, je n'ai pas trouvé beaucoup d'informations concernant les personnes ou la société qui gère ce soft (ou est basé le serveur...) ni sur les sources (compilateur, version, dépendances...)
Quelqu'un à des infos ?