I thought he was never going to turn up but he finally made it #dwsr #doctorwho
Carl i dtrioblΓ³id ceapaim π₯± #dwsr #dwts #dwtsi
RT @ExtraIRL@twitter.com
PANTI SHINES AGAIN!!! Drag icon Panti Bliss is a force to be reckoned with as they dance a brilliant Quickstep to Karma Chameleon. A strong 21 points for @PantiBliss@twitter.com #DWTSIRL
π¦π: https://twitter.com/ExtraIRL/status/1617241639499567104
New cast members Anita Dobson and Michelle Greenidge filmed their first scenes for Doctor Who in Bristol today #dwsr https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/how-clifton-transformed-notting-hill-doctor-who/
14, 13, 12, 9, 10, 11
RT @MBitchards@twitter.com
Who has got the best costume?
π¦π: https://twitter.com/MBitchards/status/1604337385768198147
Google Earth has an awesome photo of a Doctor Who 60th anniversary set #dwsr https://earth.google.com/web/@51.47183853,-3.15232225,8.63724853a,131.81515635d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CjgaNhIwCiUweDQ4NmUwMmQ0MzRlYzUzZjU6MHgxNDM0MDZkYjY1ODY2NzBlKgdDYXJkaWZmGAEgAQ
RT @LoganWalker75@twitter.com
Doctor Who 60th anniversary fan poster.
#DoctorWho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #60thanniversary #dwsr
π¦π: https://twitter.com/LoganWalker75/status/1548633125554720769
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #60thAnniversary #dwsr
RT @amurkymuc@twitter.com
as much as i want matt smith and peter capaldi (especially peter) i feel like paul mcgann deserves a return.
π¦π: https://twitter.com/amurkymuc/status/1537507258904760321
RT @dokkaebi_sinbu
Hearing David Tennant say "brilliant" after all these years is really something else I'M CRYING #DoctorWho #dwsr
@rand__althor Poke around #dwsr on Twitter, or @DoctorWhoPN's retweets, you'll see the stuff worth seeing. Gonna be hard to avoid in the next few days, anyway.
(Confirmation of another returning RTD era cast member, too.)