Christina Warren @ RenderATLさんはTwitterを使っています:
Apple added #DX12 support to macOS and Apple Silicon via its Game Porting Toolkit. It’s basically a 20k patch to Wine that will make it easy to play AAA Windows games on macOS without using a VM.
GitHub - apple/homebrew-apple
Metal 対応のためにポーティングツールを用意するとは言ってたけど、 Wine はともかく DirectX12 まで対応するのか...
『Christina Warren @ RenderATLさんはTwitterを使っています: 「Apple added #DX12 support to macOS and Apple Silicon via its Game Porting Toolkit. It’s basically a 20k patch to Wine that will make it easy to play AAA Windows games on macOS without using a VM.」 / Twitter』
RT @film_girl: Apple added #DX12 support to macOS and Apple Silicon via its Game Porting Toolkit. It’s basically a 20k patch to Wine that will make it easy to play AAA Windows games on macOS without using a VM.
RT film_girl: Apple added #DX12 support to macOS and Apple Silicon via its Game Porting Toolkit. It’s basically a 20k patch to Wine that will make it easy to play AAA Windows games on macOS without using a VM.
#Windows kann endgültig einpacken. #Unix hat gewonnen.
#Apple #WWDC #WWDC23 #WWDC2023 #DX12 #Metal #MacGaming #Gaming #macOS #GamePortingToolKit #WINE #Crossover
#crossover #wine #gameportingtoolkit #macos #gaming #macgaming #metal #dx12 #wwdc2023 #wwdc23 #wwdc #apple #unix #windows
Lots of mixed messaging from this year's #WWDC. Lots of groans for the vision pro. But only some modest cheers for the long overdue gaming support such as #dx12.
If Apple threw more of those R&D dollars into just gaming, they probably would've been greeted with cheers. Unlike PC, the strict hardware restrictions would make it easier to develop AAA games like PS5 and Xbone.
Could've eaten Microsoft's lunch vis-a-vis Game Pass. Instead, they'd rather get into a pissing contest with Facebook.
The thing I'm happiest about regarding #WebGPU is that #Apple actually got its way so instead of some dogshit ugly as sin API like #DX12 or #Vulkan we actually got a nice to use, friendly-looking-ish one based on #Metal and I couldn't be happier. No matter how much people hate to admit it, that's the one low level graphics API that lets a developer do something productive with it within the average life expectancy.
#webgpu #apple #dx12 #vulkan #metal
Are there any rendering podcasts out there ? Where graphics coders talk shop ? #graphics #rendering #vulkan #dx12
#dx12 #vulkan #rendering #graphics
digging into rendering architecture tonight with a great talk from Frostbite / EA that shows the growth of their render engine from 2007 (for #PS3) to the 2017 (for #PS4)
#GameDev #GraphicsProgramming #3D #Graphics #DirectX #DX12
#dx12 #directx #graphics #3d #graphicsprogramming #gamedev #ps4 #ps3
making leaps today with the #DirectX12 renderer. got multiple CBVs setup and upgraded the triangle to a cube.
#cpp #dx12 #graphicsprogramming #directx #directx12
diving into the MiniEngine codebase tonight to learn more about #DirectX12 and architecture for modern #CPP game engines
#GameDev #GraphicsProgramming #DX12 #DirectX #Graphics #3D #Learning
#learning #3d #graphics #directx #dx12 #graphicsprogramming #gamedev #cpp #directx12
VKD3D Version 2.8 Reduces CPU Overheard (especially for Nvidia): #linux #linuxgaming #foss #update #release #vkd3d #cpu #overhead #vulkan #dx12 #translation
#foss #release #vkd3d #cpu #translation #linux #linuxgaming #update #overhead #vulkan #dx12
With The Witcher 3's next-gen update now out, we were super excited to be able to dig into it and try out #FSR 2.1 on #SteamDeck!
Unfortunately, it seems launching with #DX12 currently crashes the game, which stops us from using some features like FSR 2.