::: DESIGN | 2D-CAD Linuxille 🐧 🔲
Tietokoneavusteinen 2D-suunnittelusovellus (CAD) - tämä soveltuu jopa ammattikäyttöön.
►käyttää alan vakioita (kuten DXF-muotoa)
►tuttu CAD-työjatkumo käskyineen
►luo piirroksia / muovaa niitä helposti työkalupalkista
►kerrosten (layerit) helppo hallinta / muokkaus
►entiteettien muokkaus
=> https://flathub.org/apps/details/io.github.dubstar_04.design
#CAD #Linux #suunnittelu #piirto #DXF #toimisto #ohjelmistot #2D #Design #sovellukset
#cad #linux #suunnittelu #piirto #dxf #toimisto #ohjelmistot #2d #design #sovellukset
Old and busted: Zeichnung auf Basis von mm.
New Hotness: Zeichnungen auf Basis von Angstrom (Atomradius) oder von Lichtjahren!
Natürlich vom #DXF Format unterstützt!
I worked for an half hours to make a platform from ad #DXF and it's doesn't fit on the space, when I say working with drawings made approximately by #architects it's ordinary. 😭 🤣
What a bad luck for the masons who have to work with this stuff. #CAD #2D
#DXFGeoDat - ein kleines Tool mit viel Potential. DXF-Dateien transformieren war noch nie einfacher! #Moskito #GIS #MoskitoGIS #Transformation #ALKIS #DXF #ETRS89 #UTM #DHDN #GK
#dxfgeodat #Moskito #gis #MoskitoGIS #transformation #alkis #dxf #etrs89 #utm #dhdn #gk
#BricsCAD work very fine under #Linux is professional #CAD software with many licensing type. If you use Linux for professional works this can be the best choice, uses the #ACIS Kernel for #3D with parametric modeling and is a native #dwg application. #2D #DXF #BIM https://www.bricsys.com/
#bim #dxf #2d #dwg #3d #ACIS #cad #Linux #bricscad
Sometimes I try them all but in the end even if #gCAD3D has its flaws it remains the only one that manages to export #STEP or #IGES files that can be opened by #Plasticity, I'm talking about #DXF drawings, I have to do so many of these steps it's incredible that #Moi3D, #FreeCAD or Cad Assistant all fail and a 1.3mb program does the job just fine.
#freecad #moi3d #dxf #plasticity #iges #step #gcad3d
For :inkscape: #Inkscape experts: I have a #dwg file with a scheme that I'd like to edit in Inkscape.
What' best flow to (well) #convert this dwg file ( https://ufile.io/xobr6g02 ) to #svg ?
I tried with #Qcad exporting in #dxf, #svg etc etc, but I lose a lot of information.
Otherwise If I import the file in inkscpae from pdf (that's here https://ufile.io/74qjzogc ), then it become very very slow, nearly impossible to edit.
Maybe it's there a method or tip to "simply" the #pdf imported?
#inkscape #DWG #convert #svg #Qcad #dxf #pdf
People underestimate #gCAD3D, but it's very powerful and very small, a bit difficult to use, the best way is to use it via code, and it's not difficult, but it's also a great tool to do some small conversions from #Blender to #CAD, save into IGES or STEP, many times it handles CAD #DXF files very well and better than FreeCAD. #b3d
#b3d #dxf #cad #Blender #gcad3d
Test to verify if the #Blender's SubD splines cages exported as #DXF are usable in #Plasticity3D, and seem to me they are. any way with Plasticity this strange workflow is a bit useless, but I've many studies with Blender and for me is time saving #b3d #Blender3D #CAD
#cad #blender3d #b3d #plasticity3d #dxf #Blender
Another workflow that allow you to export 3D curve into a #CAD is by exporting them into DXF, but #Blender's add-on export a multi segmented #DXF and create a bit heavy files, anyway import the exported DXF into #FreeCAD where you have the possibility to edit with Cuves Workbench and making these segments better by joining them and perform a command to convert into beziér curves with its tools ( more info for WB Curves in web) #b3d #fc3d #plasticity3D
#plasticity3d #fc3d #b3d #freecad #dxf #Blender #cad
Tip for those who understand the usefulness, if you use #DXF drawings imported into #Blender as a reference, convert the curves into #Greasepencil objects because you can give a color and various characteristics to the lines and this helps a lot. #b3d #CAD
Below in the image the DXF and also sections made with planes to check the final linesplan result in real time.
#cad #b3d #greasepencil #Blender #dxf
Eine Punktlandung für die #Genauigkeiten in den #NAS-Daten mit acadALKIS. #Moskito #GIS #MoskitoGIS #ALKIS #NAS #DXF #Shape #ALB #Kataster #Flurstück #Liegenschaften #Geodaten #Geobasisdaten
#genauigkeiten #nas #Moskito #gis #MoskitoGIS #alkis #dxf #shape #alb #kataster #flurstuck #Liegenschaften #geodaten #geobasisdaten
Mit acadALKIS und #Moskito nehmen Sie jetzt die Punktgenaugkeiten unter die Lupe! #GIS #MoskitoGIS #ALKIS #NAS #DXF #Shape #ALB #Kataster #Flurstück #Liegenschaften #Geodaten #Geobasisdaten
#Moskito #gis #MoskitoGIS #alkis #nas #dxf #shape #alb #kataster #flurstuck #Liegenschaften #geodaten #geobasisdaten
Das Suchen hat ein Ende - acadALKIS hilft jetzt Finden! #Moskito #GIS #MoskitoGIS #ALKIS #NAS #DXF #Shape #ALB #Kataster #Flurstück #Liegenschaften #Geodaten #Geobasisdaten
#Moskito #gis #MoskitoGIS #alkis #nas #dxf #shape #alb #kataster #flurstuck #Liegenschaften #geodaten #geobasisdaten