I bet #SpaceKaren literally played #DeusEx #HumanRevolution / #DXHR and thought that suborbital Rocket thing was cool and he wanted that too...
#dxhr #humanrevolution #deusex #SpaceKaren
@kobilacroix so purcjaseable Praxis Kits from #DXHR & #DXMD are a lie, I guess...
In fact I'm convinced someone will sooner or later do some shit like the #HyronProject from #DXHR...
Top 5 #VideoGame #music picks:
1. The Last of Us (#TheLastOfUs #tlou #GustavoSantaolalla #PlayStation)
2. Horizon Zero Dawn (#HorizonZeroDawn #hzd #JorisDeMan #JulieElven #PlayStation)
3. Stardew Valley (#StardewValley #sdv #ConcernedApe #NintendoSwitch #PC)
4. Command and Conquer / Red Alert games (#CommandAndConquer #RedAlert #RedAlert2 #FrankKlepacki #PC)
5. Halo games (#Halo #Halo3 #MartinODonnell #MichaelSalvatori #Xbox #Xbox360 #XboxOne #XBOne #xb #xb360 #xb1)
And because I've gotta have a sixth:
6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (#DeusExHumanRevolution #dxhr #DeusExMankindDivided #dxmd #MichaelMcCann #PC)
#videogame #music #thelastofus #tlou #playstation #horizonzerodawn #hzd #jorisdeman #julieelven #stardewvalley #sdv #concernedape #nintendoswitch #pc #commandandconquer #redalert #RedAlert2 #frankklepacki #halo #halo3 #martinodonnell #michaelsalvatori #xbox #xbox360 #xboxone #xbone #xb #xb360 #xb1 #DeusExHumanRevolution #dxhr #deusexmankinddivided #dxmd #michaelmccann #nowplaying #gaming #videogames #soundtrack #gustavosantaolalla