New blog post: Rediscovering a Radio New Zealand International e-QSL card #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
New blog post: Rediscovering a Radio New Zealand International e-QSL card #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
🇲🇲 Myanmar Radio received in Singapore 🇸🇬 on 19/08/23 at 1412z. QTH: East Coast Park. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
New blog post: Shortwave listening atop Sant Pere Màrtir in Barcelona. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing #Barcelona
#barcelona #dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
Radios have been an important part of our lives. These functional devices not only improve your experience in communication but also ensure your safety in emergencies. To put simply, they’re worthy investments.
Hastags, tag : #hamradio #amateurradio #hamtronics #dxing
Address : 2336 Jack Warren Rd, Delta Junction, Alaska 99737, USA
Phone : 6281213298217
Website :
#dxing #hamtronics #amateurradio #hamradio
The good news is my HF noise floor is way lower here than in the UK, at least for 2200 through 6M. I've noticed there's a lot I can no longer pick up, like uvb-76 (the buzzer on 4625khz) and quite a bit is quieter. On the plus side picking up voice of Korea and voice of Vietnam at frequencies I had no chance of listening to in the UK was nice. One day I hope to pick up RNZI... Maybe not from here but I can dream! #shortwave #radio #dxing
🇮🇪 RTÉ Radio 1 a cessé ses émissions en grandes ondes sur le 252 kHz pendant la nuit.
RT @atake
RTÉ Radio 1 (Last transmission on LW) 252kHz English
Tx QTH: Clarkstown, Meath 🇮🇪(150/300kW)
Received via KiwiSDR in Stone, Staffordshire, England
#DXing #longwave
Let the sunshine in! The Pirate Hunt 2023 DX-Contest has started! Happy Hunting! 🤩 #DXing #PirateHunt #Pirateradio #shortwave #SWL #FFFR
#fffr #swl #shortwave #pirateradio #piratehunt #dxing
Radio Igloo will be transmitting with low-power this eastern-holidays. The first transmission will be on April 7th on 5840 or on a free frequency nearby.
Time: 16.00-16.30 UTC (18.0-18.30 CEST) #PirateHunt23 #DXing #SWL #shortwave
#shortwave #swl #dxing #piratehunt23
Are you ready? Pirate hunt 2023 will be held during Easter 2023 (April 7th – April 10th). Rules: #DXContest #SWL #DXing #FFFR
10M (and nearby bands) are wide open from North America to Europe.
VA3VWX made an easy 59 contact with ON8DM using 100 watts on a longwire on 28.432 USB.
QRP radios are performing equally well these band conditions.
Get out and do some radio!!!
#dxing #hamradio #amateurradio
This morning I gave a semi-scientific presentation about radiowaves, ionosphere and RF propagation then took an exit to drive down #hamradio lane. The final frontier!
Topics covered: #dxing, QSL cards, public service, friendship, #dxpedition, #morsecode, #hamradiocontest etc.
Target audience: the more clever 16-17 y/o students in my school.
I wonder if they'll accept my offer to stage a live #hfbands showcase?
To decompress, I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM!
#morsle #hfbands #hamradiocontest #morsecode #dxpedition #dxing #hamradio
It was a real pleasant walk this evening while listening to the illegal CB stations riding the skip. I got this Bearcat BC75XLT on eBay for $20 and it pairs well for DXing with my 27 MHz whip antenna. Tomorrow I might try a later time, closer to twilight. #radio #cb #dxing #SolarMaximum.
#radio #cb #dxing #solarmaximum