In #qpac to watch #DylanMoran (pronounced Morren not Moh-ran apparently). It's very purple.
#DylanMoran tonight in #Stockholm ! Note to self: remember to only drink from those old dusty bottles before the show. Not the new shiny ones.
#dylanMoran is in the #witcherBloodOrigin and he responsible for 4/4 good jokes in the series.
#dylanmoran #witcherbloodorigin
#Introduction hachyderm is my new living room. I brought: a dwarf #Dachshund, #Vegan boots from college (conversation piece), #Refused CDs, #ModularSynthesizer. #SecondHand #CinePhile #Feminist #FrenchPress #Sceptic huh that reads like a fun sentence #ProgJazz #Meshuggah #TheMightyBoosh #DylanMoran #FredArmisen #VanessaBayer #RickyGervais. I do #Photography gigs for a local #Theatre. Starting a mstdn instance for #CinePhiles on w fediverse friends. Work stuff on profile. Hej!
#introduction #refused #modularsynthesizer #secondhand #cinephile #feminist #frenchpress #sceptic #progjazz #meshuggah #themightyboosh #dylanmoran #fredarmisen #vanessabayer #rickygervais #photography #cinephiles #dachshund #vegan #theatre