If you like #dynamicalsystems , #oscillators and #synchronization, do not miss the latest preprint by Iván León and Hiroya Nakao: https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02105 Here they present a method to approximate a limit cycle through an expansion of the phase response curve, which seems to be very general.
I asked Iván a pair of years ago if one could do something like this, because I was interested too. Great to know he got a nice solution to the problem!
#synchronization #oscillators #dynamicalSystems
"Bifurcations can cause dynamical systems with slowly varying parameters to transition to far-away attractors."
#dynamicalSystems #mathematics
Colleagues at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (Uccle) are hiring a postdoc on radar precipitation forecasting. https://meteo.be/en/info/news-resume/job-opportunity-for-a-mathematics-scientist-in-the-precip-predict-project #DynamicalSystems + #MachineLearning + #Weather
#weather #machinelearning #dynamicalSystems
📢 New preprint out ! 📢
We investigate how and why the disruption of the astrocyte network (through the KO of gap junctions) affects the neuronal bursting phenotype.
Combining experiments and a new mathematical model based on synaptic short-term plasticity we found that the main affected mechanism is afterhyperpolarization through KCNQ channels regulation !
#astrocytes #glia #neuroscience #modeling #dynamicalSystems #afterhyperpolarization
#afterhyperpolarization #dynamicalSystems #modeling #neuroscience #glia #Astrocytes
Replication crisis 🔜 Paradigm change?
“A possible lack of tangible improvement after years of struggling to establish reproducible causal effects might well be the signal that it is time for the field of psychology to break the Kuhnian resistance to paradigmatic change, and to embrace what the complex dynamical systems paradigm has to offer.”
New preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/nbfwe/
#dynamicalSystems #complexsystems #philsci #philosophyofscience #replicationcrisis #metascience #psychology
Here's the video of a virtual talk I gave yesterday on dynamical systems theory in neuroscience. I suggest that the language of attractor basins can be used to discuss high level behavioral phenomena, including some symptoms of psychiatric disorders.
'Cognitive and behavioral attractors: dynamical systems theory as a lens for systems neuroscience'
#dynamicalSystems #psychiatry #neuroscience
Strange Attractors in #math and #DynamicalSystems (works best if viewed on desktop)
Further, I attempt to extend the application of #emergence measures to electrophysiological data such as EEG. EEG is super-cool because we really are picking up the temporal evolution of #BrainDynamics as they happen!
In the wider scope, at which I'm sure to continue failing at, I wish to consolidate #DynamicalSystems approaches and
#InformationTheoretic approaches to #ComplexSystems, and particularly; #CollectiveBehaviour.
#CollectiveBehaviour #complexsystems #InformationTheoretic #dynamicalSystems #BrainDynamics #emergence