Proudly presenting this month's High-res Render for Patrons of Level Square and up: full size 25600×25600 pixels

If you try to "magic eye" it, it shimmers!

It's my favorite of the iteration functions I explored: (x,y)=(x-t*tan(y),x).
The squares have a side length of pi, due to tan of course.
Squares below each other would actually look the same since it does only depend on y%pi via tan. So I discretely jumped my t-value from 1.1 over 1 to 0.9.

#mastoart #dynamicalsystem #blackandwhite #fractal #codeart #mathart

Last updated 1 year ago

This palette took me by surprise. 😅

Movie not compressable to masto size, so stills it is!


#blackandwhite #fractal #attractor #dynamicalsystem #codeart #mastoart

Last updated 1 year ago

Kihbernetics · @Kihbernetics
33 followers · 84 posts · Server


The I’m talking about is the present state of every living which is controlled by the closed autopoietic process of and :

#state #dynamicalsystem #growth #learning

Last updated 2 years ago

Kihbernetics · @Kihbernetics
26 followers · 76 posts · Server

is usually described with as in the article below comparing the works from and :

Basically, what vector space semantics says is that the meaning of a message depends on the provided by the sender’s and the receiver’s .

As they are two different physical entities they will obviously be in different states, so the two meaning can never be exactly the same.

#vectorspace #semantics #knowledge #state #meaning #CAShannon #AMTuring #context #dynamicalsystem

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheng Soon Ong · @cheng
285 followers · 431 posts · Server

For modelling non-linear dynamical systems on a mesh, you can "lift" the states using some function such that you have a linear operation in a higher dimensional space. Koopman operators are the linear operators in Hilbert spaces, and recently neural networks have been applied to learn system dynamics in this space. This paper proposes a pytorch module for Koopman Neural Operators.

#machinelearning #dynamicalsystem #neuraloperators

Last updated 2 years ago

Kihbernetics · @Kihbernetics
22 followers · 57 posts · Server


I understand many people are comfortable with VSM but I never used it and I find it cumbersome and complicated to understand. I worked with companies using , , , , along with a few other standards and frameworks and, apart from my model, which I use to explain practically everything these days 😀, I try not to have strong preferences for specific tools and frameworks and try to learn first how what the company is currently using and familiar with can be re-used, tweaked or augmented to achieve their goals for the future.

#CMMI #iso #dynamicalsystem #6Sigma #scrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Kihbernetics · @Kihbernetics
19 followers · 41 posts · Server

@bbak @kironbondale @joeposaurus

Where did you get the idea that I equate policies and culture?

Stories songs, and other documents are never just a description of the culture that created them. As you correctly identified, when they are accepted by the masses as a , they can be a powerful means for culture specific motivation and control (constraint).

In the end, it really does not matter if your organization is a , a , or some other . Every (people) organization is a with .

#kanban #scrum #culture #dynamicalsystem #memory #standard

Last updated 2 years ago

Biplab Bose · @biplabbose
18 followers · 25 posts · Server

Can someone point me to any literature on the use of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) /SVD in any dynamical problem other than fluid dynamics? Also excluding the uses in image processing/analysis. Thanks in advance!

#DynamicalSystems #fluiddynamics #reducedordermodel #modeling #dynamicalsystem #machinelearning

Last updated 2 years ago

Dominic Boutet · @dominic_boutet
303 followers · 128 posts · Server