So excited to share our #DynamicLagoons colouring book, beautifully created by Dr Paula Peeters! Raising awareness of threatened #UplandWetlands of the New England Tablelands #SavingOurSpecies
Find out more including how to download a free copy:
#dynamiclagoons #uplandwetlands #savingourspecies
A page from the Dynamic Lagoons colouring book... coming soon!
#colouring #ink #birds #scicomm #coloring #naturalhistoryillustration #wetlands #dynamiclagoons
#colouring #ink #birds #scicomm #coloring #naturalhistoryillustration #wetlands #dynamiclagoons
Coming soon.... "Dynamic Lagoons: Colour the world of upland wetlands"
This colouring book explores the marvelous world of the Upland Wetlands of the New England Tablelands, a threatened ecological community. Commissioned by a team from the University of New England, Armidale (thanks Manu, Deb and John!) who supplied the science and wrote the story, and funded by the New South Wales' Saving our Species Program. Designed and illustrated by me.
This book will be available as a free download from my website soon 😊
#colouringbook #coloringbook #wetlands #scicomm #ecology #dynamiclagoons #savingourspecies #savingourspeciesnsw #coloring #colouring #ink #naturalhistoryillustration #illustration #wildlife
#colouringbook #coloringbook #wetlands #scicomm #ecology #dynamiclagoons #savingourspecies #savingourspeciesnsw #coloring #colouring #ink #naturalhistoryillustration #illustration #wildlife
Snap from one of our public photo points at #Ramsar #wetland Little Llangothlin lagoon NSW. Anyone can contribute observations to our #DynamicLagoons project and help conservation of threatened #UplandWetlands on NSW Northern Tablelands #CitizenScience #ThreatenedEcologicalCommunities
#Ramsar #wetland #dynamiclagoons #uplandwetlands #citizenscience #threatenedecologicalcommunities