Dynamic World, Near Real-Time Global 10 Metre Land Use Land Cover Mapping
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01307-4 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #landcover #processeddata #deeplearning #AI #landuse #remotesensing #global #timelag #automation #NRT #LULC #NLCD #satellite #Sentinel #Sentinel2 #DynamicWorld #NDVI #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
#gis #spatial #mapping #landcover #processeddata #deeplearning #AI #landuse #remotesensing #global #timelag #automation #NRT #lulc #nlcd #satellite #sentinel #sentinel2 #dynamicworld #ndvi #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
Google and World Resources Institute launched Dynamic World, a web app providing near real-time land cover data at a ten-meter resolution. Can be useful for scientific and political purposes and is interesting to explore. Doesn't quite work on mobile though.
https://dynamicworld.app #googleearth #dynamicworld #google #wri
#googleearth #dynamicworld #google #wri