A split second later I'll catch myself and try to turn it into the right letter, with mixed success. Usually I scribble the resultant mess out in frustration and continue onwards, leaving a series of inky blobs in my wake.
Looking at other people's handwriting, it seems that a lot of people just... don't do this? Is this specifically a #dysgraphia thing?
I don't suppose there are any tricks to mitigate this?
Just doing a little research for a project for Neurodiversity Celebration Week (March 13-19) and realized at the tender age of nearly 52 that I must have dysgraphia. I was put in a special handwriting class in elementary school, then repeated it, and then they gave up and let me type my assignments. I think that might be the reason for those calligraphy books I kept getting - treating letters as graphical objects helped. Welp. #dysgraphia https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23294-dysgraphia
Having #Dysgraphia in Asia is challenging. My name in kanji is pretty simple, so I can write without trouble, or look up phone, but when I go to clinic like today, I have to handwrite unexpected thing. Like, “ 副鼻腔炎” (Sinusitis).I cannot write it! I wrote it in hiragana, receptionist looked me like I’m an idiot. (maybe)It’s complicated as a little kid I was very likely hyperlexia..
V. happy for my wonderful boy-child. He’s struggled greatly with primary school due to (then) undiagnosed dysgraphia.
Now he’s simply allowed to use computers (why is this even a thing in the 21C). Anyways, he’s flying ahead now with all his subjects, planning to specialise in computing & engineering.. but he just brought a letter home from a book publishers who want permission to publish one of his stories in a book. Shining 😁. #Dysgraphia #nd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #challengeaccepted
#dysgraphia #nd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #challengeaccepted
Where are my people with #dysgraphia who are embarrassed to address/send out holiday cards
I know I’m not the only one
#Politics #Democracy #Government #Law
#SocialistDemocracy #DemocraticSocialism #SCOTUS #Journalism #ReproductiveJustice #Progressive #Antiracism #Antifascism #HarmReduction #LGBTQ #BLM #TLM #Secular #Humanism #SocialJustice #HumanRights #Authoritarianism #BodilyAutonomy #Extremism #Liberal
#Information #Ethics #News #Science
#Oversight #OSINT #MDM #Disinformation #Misinformation #Malinformation #FactCheck #Disinfo #Misinfo #NewsLiteracy #ActiveMeasures #MediaLiteracy #Journalism #StochasticTerrorism #StructuralViolence #InformationLiteracy #CivicLiteracy #CriticalLiteracy #CriticalThinking #Pseudoscience #Atheism #Skeptic #Ignostic
#Psychology #Sociology #MentalHealth
#Autism #ADHD #cPTSD #Dysgraphia #Dyscalculia #ACEs #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergence #Metacognition #ExecutiveFunction #ImplicitBias #InvisibleDisability #Neuroscience
#politics #democracy #government #law #socialistdemocracy #democraticsocialism #scotus #journalism #reproductivejustice #progressive #antiracism #antifascism #harmreduction #lgbtq #blm #TLM #secular #humanism #socialjustice #humanrights #authoritarianism #bodilyautonomy #extremism #liberal #information #ethics #news #science #oversight #osint #mdm #disinformation #misinformation #malinformation #factcheck #disinfo #misinfo #newsliteracy #activemeasures #medialiteracy #stochasticterrorism #structuralviolence #informationliteracy #civicliteracy #criticalliteracy #criticalthinking #pseudoscience #atheism #skeptic #ignostic #psychology #sociology #mentalhealth #autism #adhd #cptsd #dysgraphia #dyscalculia #aces #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #metacognition #executivefunction #implicitbias #invisibledisability #neuroscience #chattanooga #hamiltoncounty #tennessee
Personal, Political, and Educational Interests
#Politics #Democracy #Government #Law
#SocialistDemocracy #DemocraticSocialism #SCOTUS #Journalism #ReproductiveJustice #Progressive #Antiracism #Antifascism #HarmReduction #LGBTQ #BLM #TLM #Secular #Humanism #SocialJustice #HumanRights #Authoritarianism #BodilyAutonomy #Extremism #Liberal
#Information #Ethics #News #Science
#Oversight #OSINT #MDM #Disinformation #Misinformation #Malinformation #FactCheck #Disinfo #Misinfo #NewsLiteracy #ActiveMeasures #MediaLiteracy #Journalism #StochasticTerrorism #StructuralViolence #InformationLiteracy #CivicLiteracy #CriticalLiteracy #CriticalThinking #Pseudoscience #Atheism #Skeptic #Ignostic
#Psychology #Sociology #MentalHealth
#Autism #ADHD #cPTSD #Dysgraphia #Dyscalculia #ACEs #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergence #Metacognition #ExecutiveFunction #ImplicitBias #InvisibleDisability #Neuroscience
#politics #democracy #government #law #socialistdemocracy #democraticsocialism #scotus #journalism #reproductivejustice #progressive #antiracism #antifascism #harmreduction #lgbtq #blm #TLM #secular #humanism #socialjustice #humanrights #authoritarianism #bodilyautonomy #extremism #liberal #information #ethics #news #science #oversight #osint #mdm #disinformation #misinformation #malinformation #factcheck #disinfo #misinfo #newsliteracy #activemeasures #medialiteracy #stochasticterrorism #structuralviolence #informationliteracy #civicliteracy #criticalliteracy #criticalthinking #pseudoscience #atheism #skeptic #ignostic #psychology #sociology #mentalhealth #autism #adhd #cptsd #dysgraphia #dyscalculia #aces #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #metacognition #executivefunction #implicitbias #invisibledisability #neuroscience
Personal, Political, and Educational Interests
#Politics #Democracy #Government #Law
#SocialistDemocracy #DemocraticSocialism #SCOTUS #Journalism #ReproductiveJustice #Progressive #Antiracism #Antifascism #HarmReduction #LGBTQ #BLM #TLM #Secular #Humanism #SocialJustice #HumanRights #Authoritarianism #BodilyAutonomy #Extremism #Liberal
#Information #Ethics #News #Science
#Oversight #OSINT #MDM #Disinformation #Misinformation #Malinformation #FactCheck #Disinfo #Misinfo #NewsLiteracy #ActiveMeasures #MediaLiteracy #Journalism #StochasticTerrorism #StructuralViolence #InformationLiteracy #CivicLiteracy #CriticalLiteracy #CriticalThinking#Pseudoscience #Atheism #Skeptic #Ignostic
#Psychology #Sociology #MentalHealth
#Autism #ADHD #cPTSD #Dysgraphia #Dyscalculia #ACEs #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergence #Metacognition #ExecutiveFunction #ImplicitBias #InvisibleDisability #Neuroscience
#politics #democracy #government #law #socialistdemocracy #democraticsocialism #scotus #journalism #reproductivejustice #progressive #antiracism #antifascism #harmreduction #lgbtq #blm #TLM #secular #humanism #socialjustice #humanrights #authoritarianism #bodilyautonomy #extremism #liberal #information #ethics #news #science #oversight #osint #mdm #disinformation #misinformation #malinformation #factcheck #disinfo #misinfo #newsliteracy #activemeasures #medialiteracy #stochasticterrorism #structuralviolence #informationliteracy #civicliteracy #criticalliteracy #criticalthinking #atheism #skeptic #ignostic #psychology #sociology #mentalhealth #autism #adhd #cptsd #dysgraphia #dyscalculia #aces #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #metacognition #executivefunction #implicitbias #invisibledisability #neuroscience
New server, so new #Introduction: I'm Mic, 27, she/her, library assistant. I'd love to meet more of you!
#ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #ARFID #Anxiety #CPTSD #Depression #Disabled #DSPD #Dyspraxia #Dyscalculia #Dyslexia #Dysgraphia #MECFS #NEISVoid
#Art #PixelArt #Illustration #KidLit #Books #Libraries #Cats #Cameras #Photography #Movies #Music #VideoGames #IndieGames #RetroGames #RomHacks #GameDev
#introduction #adhd #actuallyautistic #arfid #anxiety #cptsd #depression #disabled #dspd #dyspraxia #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dysgraphia #mecfs #NEISvoid #art #pixelart #illustration #kidlit #books #libraries #cats #cameras #photography #movies #music #videogames #indiegames #retrogames #romhacks #gamedev #aspec #bisexual #polyamorous #queer #sapphic #wlw #agnostic #exchristian #exreligious #exvangelical
Hi, I'm Ryan. I helped start wordpress.org, wordpress.com, wordcamp.org, and automattic.com. #introduction
My current thing is @stimpunks.
Stimpunks.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We serve fellow neurodivergent & disabled people so we can keep on living through the onslaught.
#CripTheVote #Neurodiversity #Disability #DisabilityJustice #DisabilityRights #A11y #ADHD #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #Dyspraxia #Dyslexia #Dysgraphia #Apraxia #NonSpeaking
#nonspeaking #Apraxia #dysgraphia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #autistic #adhd #a11y #disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #disability #neurodiversity #cripthevote #introduction
I have someone that keeps insisting I reframe my #dyslexia, #dysgraphia and #ADHD as superpowers. And I find it so annoying. I had an enormous amount of struggle prior to my diagnosis and since. Those memories were formative and life altering. There, of course, are good and bad things about these diagnoses but to try to paint over the pain I dealt with because of it and to say it's such a great thing seems impossible. I'm curious how others think? Maybe I'm being stubborn.
#neurodivervent #adhd #dysgraphia #dyslexia
I have someone that keeps insisting I reframe my #dyslexia, #dysgraphia and #ADHD as superpowers. And I find it so annoying. I had an enormous amount of struggle prior to my diagnosis and since. Those memories were formative and life altering. There, of course, are good and bad things about these diagnoses but to try to paint over the pain I dealt with because of it and to say it's such a great thing seems impossible. I'm curious how others think? Maybe I'm being stubborn.
#neurodivervent #adhd #dysgraphia #dyslexia
Any #neurodivergent people willing to come on to talk about #dyscalculia and #dysgraphia as well as #apraxia for my podcast #Neurocast email: neurocast@aarowcreo.com for more
#neurodivergent #dyscalculia #dysgraphia #apraxia #neurocast
I have trouble getting thoughts out especially writing them down and even when speaking. In my head I have so many things to say but have trouble finding the words and language to express them. Most of the time I just give up and use short replies and avoid writing tasks. An example is this toot has took me 25 mins to write. I've re-written it 4 times. It's very frustrating and this is one of the reasons why I have low self-esteem. #Dysgraphia
I'm scared of hashtags, there I said it, now that I've got that out of the way I need to know why?!
Paradoxically, I feel the need to use them to explore the why. Maybe:
- #OCD intrusive thoughts join the process; brain panics
- it's because I'm #dyslexic #dysgraphia et el.
- a fear of getting it wrong; #perfectionism welcome to the 'party'
- because brain #Autistic #adhd
- there's a touch of #ImposterSyndrome
- a part of me doesn't want any attention
Idk why 🤷♀️
#incompletelist #impostersyndrome #adhd #autistic #perfectionism #dysgraphia #dyslexic #ocd
The eldest has physics today which is worst of all the exams for him, but he does have a reader/writer and extra time so he’ll give it his best shot hopefully #dyslexia #dysgraphia #dyspraxia
#dyslexia #dysgraphia #dyspraxia
@niamhgarvey We are a festival of #neurodiversity in my house! #anxiety #adhd #dyslexia #dysgraphia #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #somethingiprobablyforgot I also write KidLit. Glad to meet you!
#somethingiprobablyforgot #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #dysgraphia #dyslexia #adhd #anxiety #neurodiversity
📄 The UK Civil Service #Dyslexia, #Dyspraxia, #Dyscalculia and #Dysgraphia Line Managers Toolkit.
^ via Defra Digital's Clare Hussey.
#dyslexia #dyspraxia #dyscalculia #dysgraphia