fersiwn 'da llai o deipos
Mae #saysomethingin yn wych. Pan es i'n rhugl, defnyddiais #saysomethinginwelsh er mwyn gwella fy acen ddeheuol i fod yn fwy naturiol a pheidio bod cymaint o #dysgwramlwg
Dwi'n defnyddio #saysomethinginspanish ar hyn o bryd. Mae pob app #Dysguieithoedd gyda rhywbeth arbennig a da. Cryfder dull Aran o addysgu yw'r modd mae'n gosod holl "sgerbwd" yr iaith yn eich ymennydd mor gyflym â phosib yn helpu #dysgwyr gyda ynganiad a goslef arbennig o dda
Mae'n rhoi #Hyder hefyd
#Hyder #dysgwyr #dysguieithoedd #saysomethinginspanish #dysgwramlwg #saysomethinginwelsh #saysomethingin
@siaronj @llamasoft_ox
Mae #saysomethingin yn wych. Pan es i'n rhugl, defnyddiais #saysomethinginw Welsh er mwyn gwella fy acen ddeheuol i fod yn fwy naturiol a pheidio bod cymaint o #dysgwramlwg
Dwi'n defnyddio #saysonwthinginspanish ar hyn o bryd. Mae pob app #Dysguieithoedd gyda rhywbeth arbennig a da. Cryfder dull Aran o addysgu yw'r modd mae'n gosod holl "sgerbwd" yr iaith yn eich ymennydd mor gyflym â phosib yn helpu #dysgwyr gyda ynganiad a goslef arbennig o dda.
Mae'n rhoi #Hyder hefyd
#Hyder #dysgwyr #dysguieithoedd #saysonwthinginspanish #dysgwramlwg #saysomethinginw #saysomethingin
Friendly suggestion to all mastodon Welsh speakers and #dysgwyr
Putting a #welsh translation after your English post is pretty much pointless other than as a purely symbolic act of support or virtue signalling . So put the Welsh first if you really want to support it.
If Welsh is to survive it needs to be useful and get used naturally not as a politically or sentimentaly motivated afterthought.
#welsh #livingWelsh #usefulwelsh #cymraeg #useyourwelshoritwilldie
#useyourwelshoritwilldie #cymraeg #usefulwelsh #livingwelsh #welsh #dysgwyr
Great #taekwondo session tonight. Went full tilt through patterns; it was a good workout! And reassuring to discover that I didn't forget all the new stuff over the Christmas break. 🥋👊
Roedd y dosbarth taekwondo yn grêt heno. Lefel ymarfer corff da. Stopion ni am y 'Dolig am dair wythnos, ond dw i wedi cofio y maes llafur (ar y cyfan)!
#taekwondo #welsh #cymraeg #dysgwr #dysgwyr #ymarfer
Yn ôl i'r swyddfa heddiw. Dw i'n gallu gweithio gartref ond roeddwn i eisiau bod yn gymdeithasol. Ond... mae'n dawel yma hefyd! (Mae annwyd arnyn llawer o phobl.)
Back to the office today. I could work from home but I wanted to catch up with people. Turns out, it's quiet here too! (A few are off with colds.)
Ah well. Change of scenery at least. (How would you express the same sentiment in #Welsh?)
#welsh #dysgwr #dysgwyr #cymraeg #ymarfer
I know a little bit of #Welsh, and I'd like to know a little bit more, so every now and again I might post here yn #Cymraeg.
If you speak it, please engage with those posts, because it means I get to practise. If not, don't panic, I'll probably attach some images as well! That way there's something for you too. (This should also be useful for learners, who might infer the context from pictures.)
#welsh #cymraeg #dysgwr #dysgwyr
Dysgwyr! Beth ydy camgymeriad ti'n wastad wneud?
I fi: os dw i eisiau dweud "she doesn't" or "isn't" neu rhywbeth, dw i'n wastad dechrau "Mae hi..." cyn cywiro fy hun i dweud "Dydy hi ddim..."
Learners! What mistake do you keep making?
For me: if I want to say "she doesn't" or "isn't" or something, I always start "She doesn't..." before correcting myself to say "She doesn't..."
#Dysgwyr ac #addysgwyr yr #IaithGymraeg: Have you ever encountered the idea that Welsh is currently changing (or has recently changed) very rapidly? If so, where did you encounter it? Who expressed the idea? Do you have examples of the change?
#IaithGymraeg #addysgwyr #dysgwyr
Sick to death of raging media outlets trashing the Welsh language wherever its deemed possible...
It's our native tongue!
Deal with it. Embrace it.
Feel pride for it & for us...
Or get off the darn bws. We don't need you.
Dwi methu aros i fod yn ddwyieithog 🏴❤️
Mae hin oer iawn tu allan yno heddiw
Mae'n teimlo'n fel gaeaf nawr.
Good morning Tooters - it’s the weekend! It’s a frosty morning here so cwtching up with a blanket to read The Week.
Bore da Tooters - mae’n penwythnos! Mae bore oer iawn felly dwi’n cwtsh gyda blanced a The Week.
#cymraeg #dysgwyr #dysgucymraeg
#introduction - been here and lurking for a while but this is my first toot. Please feel free to say hi if we are murals over on the other place or irl. Bear with as I learn. #dysgwyr #cymraeg #environment #nature #sustainability #circular #economy #dogs #wales #cymru #teulu a #môr
#môr #teulu #cymru #Wales #dogs #economy #circular #sustainability #nature #environment #cymraeg #dysgwyr #introduction
Darganfod -wyr wythnos yma.
Gyrru - gyrwyr
Pysgota - pysgotwyr
Datblygu - datblygwyr
What a bendigedig thing to gwbod when I'm talking about the pobl that do a certain swydd,
Much like the -fa bit.
#Dysgwyr #Cymraeg #legowelsh
@Richie0110 da iawn! Tria tŵt tipyn bach bob dydd - rwy wedi ffindio mae'n fy helpu lot i ysgrifennu fy mlog yn gymraeg. #dysgwyr