dropping weight this year without trying + trying to re/connect w my wot is this? oh its me huh body = backyard photoshoot where I look like a very happy kinda melted jessica rabbit candle
#FND #FunctionalNeurologicDisorder #BodyMind #Dysphoria #Dysmorphia #SelfLove #SelfAcceptance
#FND #functionalneurologicdisorder #bodymind #dysphoria #dysmorphia #selflove #selfacceptance
One of the most underrated aspects of Frank Miller's 1986 "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" is how the first issue is one of the best depictions of #dysphoria and #dysmorphia I've ever seen in popular culture. I know exactly how Two-Face feels in this story. 1/21
#genderdysphoria #bodydysmorphia #internalizedbigotry #internalizedfatphobia #internalizedtransmisogyny #batman #twoface #harveydent #superheroes #comics #comicbooks #comicbooksuperheroes #superherocomicbooks #superherocomics
#dysphoria #dysmorphia #genderdysphoria #bodydysmorphia #internalizedbigotry #InternalizedFatphobia #internalizedtransmisogyny #batman #twoface #HarveyDent #superheroes #comics #comicbooks #comicbooksuperheroes #superherocomicbooks #superherocomics
This is, of course, after trying to decide if I should type my post about #weight and #anxiety and old photos. I'm not sad enough for Tumblr text posts. But it seems that with such an emphasis on ~positivity~ here, it just might kill the vibe to write meaningful posts about #dysmorphia or other vulnerable things that one is still working out.
But I’ve built a community of friends and family around me who understand, or who at least accept what I tell them about the experience. I’m so grateful that I can express the pain, the longing, the self-awareness of the apparent impossibility of what I know is true. I’m so grateful for everyone. #werewolf #dysmorphia
I don't know if there is anything I can say that's not cringie in regard to your #dysmorphia, but you're perfect.
Most of the time I feel invisible or like a grotesque circus freak. The key to my heart is simply to make me feel something other than that.
#gender #genderdysphoria #dysphoria #euphoria #gendereuphoria #trans #transgender #transsexual #transfeminine #transfemininity #transwomen #transwoman #transgirls #transgirl #feminine #femininity #genderroles #genderperformance #performinggender #chivalry #dysmorphia
#gender #genderdysphoria #dysphoria #euphoria #gendereuphoria #trans #transgender #transsexual #transfeminine #transfemininity #transwomen #transwoman #transgirls #transgirl #feminine #femininity #genderroles #genderperformance #performinggender #chivalry #dysmorphia