This brilliant video by Mica, @PonderfulYT, is as clear an explanation as you’ll find of the neurodiversity movement, neurodivergence and neurotypicality, and their relation to disability:
And it’s not just good because Boba tries to steal the show! 😻
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse
#neurodivergence #neurodivergent
#neurotypicality #neurotypical
#disability #disabled
#ADHD #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #BPD #BrainDisease #BrainInjury #cPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #Tourettes
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #neurodivergent #neurotypicality #neurotypical #disability #disabled #adhd #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #bpd #braindisease #braininjury #CPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #tourettes
@BlumeEvolution Ich (und eines meiner Kinder) sind Dyspraktiker. #Dyspraxia Bei beiden ist die Feinmotorik unterschiedlich stark betroffen. Da geht handschriftlich wenig über stichwortartige Notizen hinaus. Und wenn man viel Energie darauf verwenden muss, Buchstaben zu malen, ist das dem "sich merken können" nicht zuträglich.
@aral I like portable stuff, but I also made the switch to ortholinear (for #dyspraxia a great thing). So I decided to replace my aging Lenovo #ThinkPad x220 by a refurbished Dell Latitude 5290 2in1 tablet. I am quite happy with it. I am typing this with this "old" tablet running Ubuntu 22.04 with an ortholinear 47 keys keyboard.
Of course the #StarLite is a nice modern alternative.
#dyspraxia #thinkpad #starlite
one of my great sadnesses in life is that I cannot ride a bike.
My dyspraxia means I can use the handles to steer me, or use the pedals to progress me, but it is indeed "or" for I have to concentrate so furiously on whichever I am doing that I cannot do the other. Yet I see small children just doing it and I am so envious.
I wonder if there is anyone out in the fediverse who could tell me if perhaps an e-bike might be the solution to my woes..?
#dyspraxia #bike #cycle #bicycle #ebike
I posted this in the dyspraxia subreddit. This memory of my dad has me in tears this morning.
Children will remember if you were cruel to them, even after you're dead.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. You have a formal, or self diagnosis of: #ADHD, #Autism (#ASD), #Dyslexia, #Dyspraxia (#DCD) etc.
2. You joined your employer after 01.11.2021
3. You have a hybrid/remote working environment
The process will potentially involve some intake and consent forms and a 60-minute interview.
More info, contact Katherine at
#dcd #dyspraxia #dyslexia #asd #autism #adhd
I’m so tired today. You know when your legs just feel like jelly. Not good when you’re Dyspraxic
I’ve just learned that #Autism is very strongly linked with #dyspraxia, and that there is such a thing as verbal dyspraxia. Not only that, but I’ve also learned that there is a form of expressive language disorder under the umbrella of verbal dyspraxia called #cluttering.
The description of #cluttering is very much what happens to me in some situations. I also had extremely delayed physical skills such as tying my shoes and riding a bike. If this is what’s going on… it would explain much.
#cluttering #dyspraxia #Autism
There is a twitter thing "Annoy a disabled or chronically ill person in one tweet."
Here is mine, somewhat tragicomically -
Me: "I was actually diagnosed with this"
Them: "Motor coordination disorders are overdiagnosed. Here, try this"
Me: *falls off exam table*
Had multiple variants of this (and now, diagnoses of a motor coordination disorder in two different countries)
#disability #dyspraxia #NEISvoid
Our eldest son has autism and dyspraxia. Today he completed his second Half Iron Man in 5 hours 18 minutes. To say that we are proud is an understatement.
Today the Neurodivergency in the spotlight is Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia affects fine and/or gross motor skills, motor planning and coordination
According to Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland "it is estimated that Dyspraxia/DCD affects up to 8% of the population but due to its varied symptoms, it can often go undiagnosed."
To find out more check out our educational video on dyspraxia by Katie Kerley
Image shows a spotlight shining down on the word Dyspraxia
Some things about me:
I am #aromantic, #asexual, #agender, and #intersex. Very #queer and #neuroqueer.
I have so many disabilities, I find it difficult to remember most of them. This includes the following: #ADHD, #Autism, #Insomnia, #Dysautonomia, #ChronicMigraines, #Type2Diabetes, #VisualSnowSyndrome, #Agoraphobia, #Dyspraxia, #ChronicDepression, #TopographicalDisorientation, etc. This list is nonexhaustive.
#aromantic #asexual #agender #intersex #queer #neuroqueer #adhd #autism #insomnia #dysautonomia #chronicmigraines #type2diabetes #visualsnowsyndrome #agoraphobia #dyspraxia #chronicdepression #topographicaldisorientation
I’m quite shy, so starting to toot is a struggle lol.
I’m Ellen. I’m a #artist #disabled person from England.
I am #neurodivergent and can sometimes struggle with communication, but generally try my best!
I am interested in/have experience of - #dyspraxia #fibromyalgia #BPD #EUPD #MADD
I am a Quaker :)
I have a website where you can see some of my art -
#madd #eupd #bpd #fibromyalgia #dyspraxia #neurodivergent #disabled #Artist #Introduction
Almost yanked out one of my piercings when combing my hair.
I think because I used a different comb than normal…
Could you actually have #Dyspraxia (DCD)?
#autism #autistic #gracefulness
#dyspraxia #autism #autistic #gracefulness
Subject: Non-speaking = trauma
Question 3: only for non-speaking people please ❤️
Has being non-speaking caused you to suffer trauma (also because of context/society/lack of understanding and communication support)?
#autism #dyspraxia #nonspeaking
Playing #Sekiro as someone who has #NVLD / #dyspraxia is certainly… something.
The accessibility tools that would help are fairly minor and wouldn't alter the difficulty overmuch, but that's not how these games work, generally.
Meanwhile, I can do this, I've done things like it, but it is going to take some serious practice to get this style down.
take it slow mate serious head injury takes ages to get over. i fall off things a lot, horses, motorcycles, a cliff (in my defense there was a feral goat), tall shoes , glastonbury tor, the stairs on the tube. #dyspraxia you need to understand head injury care😂
1 June 2023
So today I actually remembered my password, typed all of the letters in the right order, without being able to press a wonder-button to reveal them, and, at last, managed to sign in to my new home instance with my mobile phone.
That means I was also able to download the app for it.
I so need a sleep right now...
#password #app #memory #dyspraxia #dyslexia