Autistics are the real experts.
Nothing about us without us.
@Neurodivergent Socks 🧦page🧦🙂♾️ (Facebook)
#Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #CPTSD #GAD #AutismAcceptance #stimming #stim #Overwhelmed #ExecutiveFunctionDisorder #ExecutiveDysfunction #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD #Hyperfocus #Hypervigilant #SensoryOverstimulation #SensoryIssues #SensoryPain #Speechless #mute #PathologicalDemandAvoidance #PDA #AutisticInertia #BrainFog #Daydreaming #Focus #AutisticBurnout #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #RAD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MDD #Depression #Suicide #Suicidal #Alone #Dysgraphia #Dysthymia #Dyscalcula #Dyslexia #Dysphoria #Dysplasia #Dualistic #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Overthinking #BlackAndWhiteThinking #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PDD #EmotionalDysregulation #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #NervePain #Insomnia #Parasomnia #Nightmares
#Autistic #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #CPTSD #gad #autismacceptance #stimming #stim #Overwhelmed #executivefunctiondisorder #executivedysfunction #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #rsd #hyperfocus #hypervigilant #sensoryoverstimulation #SensoryIssues #SensoryPain #speechless #mute #pathologicaldemandavoidance #PDA #AutisticInertia #BrainFog #daydreaming #focus #autisticburnout #reactiveattachmentdisorder #rad #majordepressivedisorder #mdd #depression #suicide #suicidal #alone #Dysgraphia #dysthymia #dyscalcula #dyslexia #dysphoria #dysplasia #dualistic #anxiety #socialanxiety #overthinking #blackandwhitethinking #persistentdepressivedisorder #pdd #emotionaldysregulation #chronicfatigue #ChronicPain #nervepain #insomnia #parasomnia #nightmares
OK people. My brains is broken as fuck and everything I say I hae, hae been diagnosed. I don't like it, I didnae ask fur it, and yer well meaning platitudes wilnae change a whit. If that is wut ye got fur meh, then please get tae fuck wi all haste. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #dysthymia #SuicidalThoughts #OCD #PTSD #CrabbitWeeScottishCunt
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #dysthymia #suicidalthoughts #ocd #ptsd #crabbitweescottishcunt
I suffer frae Catastrophisation and this is what it looks and feels like. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia Art by Shawn Coss
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #suicidalideations #dysthymia
Nobody's perfect. It's always easier said than done. But if you want to practice self-care, and you want to have more peaceful and enjoyable days and nights, then tips like these will take you a long way. Your goal is progress, not perfection. You can do it. Peace. (PMM)♧
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
"Recovering Addicts
are not bad people
trying to be good--
They are sick people
working to be well."
Pádraig Michael Mann ♧
Historian, Musician, Neurodivergent
January 2, 2023 ♾️
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
Rest. You deserve rest. Don't apologize for resting, or for taking care of yourself. Leisure time is as important as work time. You can't be always "on", without burning yourself out. There's a little known but logical old proverb that says, 'when you find that you have dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.' Rest. You do deserve it. Peace be with you. (PMM)♧
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
My mental state improves dramatically when my mind is focused on something I find interesting on which I am making progress and not feeling stuck. When a task feels overwhelming and I'm not making progress, I get down on myself, it's hard to get my mind out that negative thought rut. I can stay frozen there for hours on end, and that is demoralizing because I want to do better, but I get stuck. Living with #dysthymia is super hard.
I get so tired of pushing myself. I just want to rest. Functional low-grade chronic depression sucks. #dysthymia
For the first time in my life I see the world without haze and fog. See the sun and feel the joy of life.
My #ADHD has been severely in the way of my art: my writing, my streaming, even my laughing.
I feel physically ill - headaches, nauseous, trembling, sweating bullets - every time I try to sit and write my novels.
Anyone having these symptoms? I believe they can also be related to #anxiety, and chronic #depression or #Dysthymia, which I was told I have since teen years.
Let me know, please.
And boost this if you can so my questions reach those who can help with friendly advice.
#adhd #anxiety #depression #dysthymia
Stalled out here, there, and everywhere. The yearly descent into sleeplessness has begun, as The Boy has been awake in the small hours or in the creeping dark of 4a or 5a. My focus is shot, my own trouble regulating emotions comes to the fore with growing fatigue. But I'm trying to get through Advent without despair, and with inner eyes focused on the arrival of the Light of the World...
#advent #autism #insomnia #dysthymia
@billrparrish Welcome, Bill! I'd suggest using the #introduction hashtag. Lots of people follow it and you'll meet and get responses and follows from a lot more people.
Also follow (and maybe set alerts) on people and hashtags you want to follow.
I'm a #disabled #queer #pagan and I also have #depression / #dysthymia.
#introduction #disabled #queer #Pagan #depression #dysthymia
I just had my first #TMS treatment for #depression / #dysthymia!
I have absolutely *no* idea if it will help, but I guess wish me luck? 😝
#tms #depression #dysthymia #mybrainsucks #brainmagnetshowdotheywork
@crunchybones Hey jj! I'm Aspen, and I have #SpinaBifida. I've got #ChronicPain, #ADHD, and #Dysthymia.
I play table top games with my family and #VideoGames with my #ChosenFamily, and like to read and write.
I just got my first #DrawingTablet but don't tell anyone, I'm very amateur and not ready to share any work yet!
What are some of your favorite games?
#SpinaBifida #chronicpain #adhd #dysthymia #videogames #chosenfamily #drawingtablet
Here's my #introduction
I'm a former lots-of-things, i play D&D, goth kid cosplaying as an automation engineer, gender non-conforming he/his/they/theirs
I have #ADHD and #Dysthymia and am part of the great #TwitterMigration
I made some lovely friends there and I'm really fucking sad they sold it to that festering anus boil of a bully billionaire
#introduction #adhd #dysthymia #twittermigration
....auf die Couch und schlafe 4 Std wie ein Stein. Danach geht erst einmal nur leichte Berieselung im TV.Und am späten Abend kann ich noch 1-2 Std irgendwas produktives tun (z.B. arbeiten, Haushalt).
Ich habe also pro Tag nur noch Energie für 6 Std irgendeiner Aktivität.Dabei sind Arztbesuch oder Einkaufen genauso energieraubend wie Arbeit.
Und war die Arbeitswoche nur wenige Stunden länger, dann schlafe ich am Samstag komplett durch.
An Urlaub etc. ist nicht zu denken.