Notables of NE-#Syria call on to support the SDF
📢 "Clans, Kurdish & Arab tribes & all peoples of the region need to defend a peacefull, communal life."
➡️ The Notables pointed out that taking up arms against the #SDF is benefitting #Turkey, #ISIS & other mercenery groups
#syria #SDF #turkey #isis #ypj #ypg #derazor #AANES #nes #dmc #dz
🗣️ Lîlwa El Ebdullah, one of the commanders of Deir ez-Zor Military Council, gave an interview on the ongoing operation in #DeirezZor:
📢 "The operation is a positive step in terms of people’s will & self-determination”
➡️ Commander Lîlwa stated that the operation had a positive impact on the local people who complained about turmoil in the region where #ISIS cells are still present
#deirezzor #isis #SDF #ypj #ypg #syria #derazor #AANES #nes #dmc #dz
#DZ #Bank hat neue Payment-Plattform
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sClassicEssentialMix
🎵 Down
#nowplaying #radio1sclassicessentialmix #bbcr1 #dz
#DZ #Bank baut M&A-Beratung in Stuttgart aus
#DZ #Bank setzt neue Klima-Vorgaben
Riese leitet #DZ Bank im nächsten Jahr allein
The preceding haiku was generated by ChatGPT, but I prompted it to write the piece, so I guess my follow-up questions would be:
- When does art become art, when the idea pops up in your mind? Or when the idea is created and is digestible through the 5/6 senses of other humans?
When does art begin; at conception or delivery?
Sound like a familiar question to anyone? 🤯
"Three balls in the air,
Juggler's focus never fades,
Graceful art in motion."
I asked chatGPT to create that juggling haiku.
The question is, does this piece of written art belong to me or OpenAI? How did you feel before and after you found out it was AI generated?
Also, how would anyone know whether or not that came out of my brain goo if I hadn't specifically said CGPT generated it?
The future of creativity/art is both intriguing and disturbing.
hello mastodon peeps
honest journalism and real news are lost terms in my country #algeria aka #Dz and I'm not a professional journalist or an activist, but I have taking it upon myself to share and report so that the world know, well since no one has the 🏀🏀s to spit it out, someone has too.
I'm an LGBTQIA :nyancat_rainbow: community member, and Exmuslim living in Algeria 🇩🇿 a muslim country full of extremism, I have PTSD, and I'm trying to get out alive, and move to a civilized country, but for now as long as I'm living here, I'll be your unbiased news Insider from within this hellhole
feel free to share my posts, so the world can hear about it, there is no media coverage to #algerian news here, which is by decision of the generals and the shadow men ( aka elites ), when the world doesn't know what's going on here, they feel free to violate as much human rights as possible
#Introduction #algeria #dz #algerian
Dans un centre de torture de l’armée française à Alger : la ferme Perrin : "Notre travail sur la disparition forcée nous a appris qu’une chose importe par-dessus tout aux familles de disparus :connaître la vérité sur les circonstances de la mort, savoir surtout où se trouve le corps et pouvoir enfin se recueillir en un lieu précis." sur @Mediapart par M.Rahal et F.Raceputi #Colonisation #Histoire #DZ #algerie
#algerie #dz #histoire #colonisation
Die #DZ Hyp hat bekannt gegeben, dass Georg Reutter nach 14 Jahren als Vorstandsvorsitzender Mitte 2023 ausscheidet. Die Nachfolge soll Sabine Barthauer antreten, die seit 2021 im Vorstand der Bank ist.
RT @Caricatures_Alg
◾ Karim (Le Soir d'Algérie) : dimanche, 26 décembre 2021
#karim #lesoirdalgerie #caricature #cartoon #algérie #algeria #alger #teamalgerie #dz #teamdz #actualité #presse #news #liberté
#liberté #news #presse #actualité #teamdz #dz #teamalgerie #alger #algeria #algérie #cartoon #caricature #lesoirdalgerie #karim
Respect pour ce jeune homme 🙏
Les mêmes en #Tunisie 😋
Karim (Samedi, 5 septembre 2020) #News #Actualité #Humour #Caricature #DZ #Algérie #Algeria
#algeria #algérie #dz #caricature #humour #actualité #news #tunisie