"There are some who apply reasoning /
And cling to nothing whatsoever. /
But if you were to claim that non-existence is the ultimate, /
It would follow that the horns of a rabbit must be so."
source: https://www.lotsawahouse.org/tibetan-masters/jamyang-khyentse-chokyi-lodro/words-of-candra
No one who met Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche can ever forget his extraordinary presence or the spirit in which he taught, which embodied so perfectly the fathomless ease and vastness of Dzogpachenpo.
#dzogchen #dalialama #TibetanBuddhism
No one who met Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche can ever forget his extraordinary presence or the spirit in which he taught, which embodied so perfectly the fathomless ease and vastness of Dzogpachenpo.
#dzogchen #dalialama #TibetanBuddhism
When these hallucinations are investigated,
They are found to be unreal.
When you understand that, just like space,
They cannot be removed,
Just let them be.
And do not cling so foolishly
To this world’s real existence—
This world that, like a trick of sight,
Appears without existing.
~ Longchenpa
When these hallucinations are investigated,
They are found to be unreal.
When you understand that, just like space,
They cannot be removed,
Just let them be.
And do not cling so foolishly
To this world’s real existence—
This world that, like a trick of sight,
Appears without existing.
~ Longchenpa
I'm a longtime #contemplative and student of #meditation practices. I look to ask of contemplative traditions' teachings, "How does this actually work? What is the experience that it refers to and the matter-of fact realization it reflects?"
And my personal translation of the passage @Ogmin shares here is this:
"There's a miracle going on, there really is, and it's everything."
🙏 ❤️
#dharma #dzogchen #buddhism #meditation #contemplative
According to the Great Perfection, the primordial purity of dharmata, the true nature of phenomena, is already innately present. For this reason, we are to regard all that appears and exists in the phenomenal world as a mandala of pure appearances. Everything is a naturally present, all-encompassing purity from the very beginning.
~ Nyoshul Khenpo
The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones
Sechen Rabjam Rinpoche
Teachings on Patrul Rinpoche’s famous poem - a concise explanation of the principal practices of the Buddhist path including profound Dzogchen instructions.
#dzogchen #sechenrabjam #dilgokhyentse #Nyingma
#dalailama #buddhism #meditation #mentalhealth #inspiration
#tibetanbuddhism #patrulrinpoche #manifest #flourish #mindfulness
#dzogchen #sechenrabjam #dilgokhyentse #Nyingma #dalailama #buddhism #meditation #mentalhealth #inspiration #TibetanBuddhism #patrulrinpoche #manifest #flourish #mindfulness #authentic
The essence is the void, the real condition of the individual and of all phenomena. This base is the condition of all individuals, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they are enlightened or in transmigration. It is said to be "pure from the beginning" (ka dag), because, like space, it is free of all impediments, and is the basis of all the manifestations in existence.
~ Namkhai Norbu
#mind #dzogchen #dharma #buddhism
Das Wie des Jetzt
Das Wie des Jetzt
könnte dich verrückt machen
denn das Jetzt entschlüpft dem Wie
und Methoden bringen Schmerz.
Der Spötter von Mühen
ist immer im Spiel.
Wonach immer du greifst,
es entgleitet dir.
Weder Kommen noch Gehen,
es ist immer da.
Wenn du dich darin findest,
gibt es nichts zu befürchten.
Drum lass alles Methodische los,
denn es hängt nicht an dir.
Du hast, was du brauchst;
es geschieht ganz als du.
James Low
#dao #tao #meditation #zen #dzogchen
Verder lezen in boek van Tenzin Wangyal #boeddhisme #dzogchen #Bön https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=sMhwEAAAQBAJ
… used 3 meditation techniques this morning:
- #Chanting, I have my own #Mantra
- #Focus on breath
- #Mahamudra, similar/identical to #Dzogchen
Did you sit, walk, focus, contemplate, go inward? How as the Cowboys and Indians used to say (they did not have #Cowgals in olde days) …
#chanting #mantra #focus #mahamudra #dzogchen #cowgals
#khenporinpoche - “Essential #Dzogchen Teachings on the View, Meditation, and Conduct” by the Great Master Shechen Gyaltsab Rinpoche
To Register for WEBCAST:
January 14 – 21, 2023
Dzogchen teachings by Ven. Khenpo Rinpoche
10:30am–12:30pm EST
#nyingma #teachings #tibetanbuddhism #dzogchen #khenporinpoche
#khenporinpoche - Join for the 2023 Winter #Dzogchen Retreat! January 14 – 21, 2023
“Essential Dzogchen Teachings on the View, Meditation, and Conduct” by Shechen Gyaltsap Rinpoche
#Teachings 10:30-12:30 EST
4 sessions/day practices
Register for WEBCAST:
#nyingma #tibetanbuddhism #teachings #dzogchen #khenporinpoche
Saliento q esta não é a primeira epopeia d tradução/adaptação q o #Budismo empreende. Nas suas migrações a tradução do sânscrito p/ o #tibetano e as adaptações q os tibetanos realizaram foram profundamente enriquecedoras para o ferramental doutrinário do Budismo. Daí nasceu entre outras variantes, o #Dzogchen. O mesmo se passou com a introdução na China que veio a desenvolver outra variante extremamente rica, o #Chan, e mais tarde, num saltinho para o arquipélago japonês, o #Zen.
#budismo #tibetano #dzogchen #chan #zen
So it looks like my #ByzantineCatholic #Dzogchen Buddhist faith traditions may be the first with this hashtag here. Interesting. Well, if you've found them, you've found me so maybe it's a sign.
Greetings fellow #Mastodonians Making a new self #Introduction here: I am engaged in #Environmentalist, #Meditation Teacher, #MasterGardner, #RESIST, #Nonviolence, #BidenHarris, #TibetanBuddhism, #vajrayana, #Dzogchen, #Mahamudra, #FBR, #PlantATree, #AntiFascist, #BlockMagats
Just transferred to mastodon.social
#mastodonians #introduction #environmentalist #meditation #mastergardner #resist #nonviolence #BidenHarris #TibetanBuddhism #vajrayana #dzogchen #mahamudra #fbr #plantatree #antifascist #blockmagats
Lama Lena on the Nature of the Mind, and on #Dzogchen:
Rigpa’s Complete Path
The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind.
Rigpa offers courses and events that can help us face the challenges and big questions in life, as well as an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening.
#meditation #flourish #purpose #mentalhealth
#mahayana #vajrayana #ngondro #dzogchen #TibetanBuddhism
#meditation #flourish #purpose #mentalhealth #mahayana #vajrayana #ngondro #dzogchen #TibetanBuddhism #buddha
Rigpa’s Complete Path
The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind.
Rigpa offers courses and events that can help us face the challenges and big questions in life, as well as an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening.
#meditation #flourish #purpose #mentalhealth
#mahayana #vajrayana #ngondro #dzogchen #TibetanBuddhism
#meditation #flourish #purpose #mentalhealth #mahayana #vajrayana #ngondro #dzogchen #TibetanBuddhism #buddha