#dzokden - August 4-10 2023
About the Empowerment and Retreat. This is a rare and precious empowerment of Chöd from the primordial mind of master Jetsun Taranatha. You will receive a booklet to follow along throughout the whole empowerment. Part of the text includes inspiring stories about Machik Labdrön's life. This event is Online and In- person in Austria
#TibetanBuddhism #jonang #teachings #buddhistevents
#buddhistevents #teachings #jonang #tibetanbuddhism #dzokden
#dzokden - Online or Singapore: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche.
Khentrul Rinpoche bestow his mind terma of the 8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment in the Singapore. This is a rare opportunity for establishing a direct connection with the Kalkis. Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching and a Q&A session after the empowerment.
#buddhistevents #jonang #teachings #tibetanbuddhism #dzokden
#Dzokden - This is an incredible opportunity to create a karmic connection with Jambhala – the “Prosperity God”. There is no contradiction between practicing Dharma and developing wealth and prosperity. Everyone needs prosperity.
#jonang #transmission #teachings #tibetanbuddhism #dzokden
#dzokden - 24 Hour White Tara Mantra Recitation
#buddhism #jonang
Online: Heruka Vajrasattva Blessing Jenang and Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche
#dzokden #buddhistevents #teachings #buddhism