@eniko I started a weekly #Perl programming blog on my own site and shamelessly linked to it on #Facebook, #Reddit, and #LinkedIn groups; tech news aggregators like #HackerNews and #Lobsters; and cross-posted to @medium, @thepracticaldev, and #DZone.
In a few months I began receiving invitations to write for other publications, including print. I was invited to speak at conferences. A year later I was able to parlay my reputation into landing a better job.
#perl #facebook #reddit #linkedin #hackernews #lobsters #dzone
If you are using #CockroachDB, integrating with PolyScale.ai for caching and pooling will lower latency, increase query performance, and help you easily scale to dozens of global regions. Read the #DZone blog by Artem Ervits here: https://dzone.com/articles/reducing-network-latency-and-improving-read-perfor
Just like old times… featured on #DZone collections with my best of friends Christina Lin!
Check out #cloudnative #observability with #chronosphereio in your financial payments #architecture … #o11y architects.
#dzone #cloudnative #observability #chronosphereio #architecture #o11y
Featured on #DZone, an introduction to financial payments #cloudnative #observability #architecture. Using the base #opensource architecture presented previously and extending it with scaleable #o11y, check it out!
#dzone #cloudnative #observability #architecture #opensource #o11y
Featured on #DZone, Getting Started With Prometheus Workshop: Using Advanced Queries. Get ready to go deep into #PrometheusIO #PromQL and explore all your #cloudnative #observability metrics data! #o11y
#dzone #PrometheusIO #promql #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Featured on #DZone main pages today, not one but two articles! The latest is my take on the #Observability Day Europe event at #KubeConEU last week! Catch up on the latest around #opensource #cloudnative #o11y. https://dzone.com/articles/kubecon-eu-summary-of-observability-day-europe
#dzone #observability #kubeconeu #opensource #cloudnative #o11y
Featured on #DZone, my retro on the #KubeConEU #Observablity Day Europe event last week, check out all the #CNFC #cloudnative #o11y goodness in the #opensource world! https://dzone.com/articles/kubecon-eu-summary-of-observability-day-europe
#dzone #kubeconeu #observablity #cnfc #cloudnative #o11y #opensource
Today featured on the #DZone main page, Getting Started With @Prometheus #Workshop: Exploring Basic Queries #cloudnative #observability #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-exploring
#dzone #workshop #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Getting Started With @Prometheus #Workshop: Exploring Basic Queries was featured on the #DZone Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance page as a spotlighted article! #cloudnative #observability #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-exploring
#workshop #dzone #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Featured on #DZone, lab 4 of the Getting Started with @Prometheus where you start using basic #PromQL queries. Check out the hands-on and self-paced #cloudnative #observablity #workshop today! #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-exploring
#dzone #promql #cloudnative #observablity #workshop #o11y
Featured today only on #DZone Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance page, my getting started with @Prometheus #workshop with the introduction to the query language (#PromQL)! #cloudnative #observability #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-introduct-1
#dzone #workshop #promql #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Featured on #DZone, Getting Started With @Prometheus #Workshop: Introduction to the Query Language is ready for you to dive into #cloudnative #observability and #o11y today! https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-introduct-1
#dzone #workshop #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Featured on #DZone, lab 2 of my getting started with #cloudnative #observability where you'll be installing @Prometheus locally. Get hands-on today with this free, self-paced, and online #o11y #workshop
#dzone #cloudnative #observability #o11y #workshop
Featured on #DZone Testing, Deploying and Maintenance front page today only, Getting Started with @Prometheus #workshop! #cloudnative #observability #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-with-prometheus-workshop-introduct
#dzone #workshop #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Featured on the main Software Design and Architecture page on #DZone, #o11y guide: Building an Advanced Dashboard up there all day today! #cloudnative
#observability https://dzone.com/articles/o11y-guide-building-advanced-dashboard
#dzone #o11y #cloudnative #observability
Over the weekend, featured on #DZone with my #O11y Guide article covering my #workshop helping you with building an advanced dashboard. Get hands on today with #dashboard and #visualization. https://dzone.com/articles/o11y-guide-building-advanced-dashboard
#dzone #o11y #workshop #dashboard #visualization
Featured on #dzone, a new installment of my #open #dashboard and #visualization #workshop where you start to build your first ever dashboard! Get hands on today and learn now to visualize your #cloudnative #observability #data. #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/o11y-guide-building-your-first-dashboard
#dzone #open #dashboard #visualization #workshop #cloudnative #observability #data #o11y
Just a quick post today - getting started #blogging can actually be easy. In todays post, I cover 5 free blogging platform: #Dev.to, #Hashnode, #DZone, #Blogger, and #Post.news. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/02/16/more-blogging.html
#post #blogger #dzone #hashnode #dev #blogging
Featured today on the main #Software Design and #Architecture page #DZone, my latest lab in the #opensource #dashboard and #visualization #workshop. Get your #cloudnative #observability on! #o11y https://dzone.com/articles/o11y-guide-exploring-perses-dashboards
#software #architecture #dzone #opensource #dashboard #visualization #workshop #cloudnative #observability #o11y