A few times and so far I've had no issues with it. Ironically it's been far more stable for me than video calls with #Element for web / Android / iOS.
That may be me not really knowing what I'm doing with #SelfHosting though and having some setting(s) borked. That said, I have a #turn server running and their diagnostic tools say I'm good.
Didn't know about #Jitsi's semi #e2e #encryption though.
#jitsi #e2e #encryption #element #selfhosting #turn
Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: https://u.fsf.org/1df #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption
Gisteren hoorde ik de baas van #childfocus op #vrtradio1 pleiten tegen end-to-end-encryptie en bigtech. Wanneer gaan mensen nu eens inzien dat het kapot maken van encryptie ons allemaal onveiliger gaat maken, en dat het ook zinloos is? Je kan nooit verhinderen dat algoritmen en broncode gedeeld worden en mensen daarmee aan de slag gaan.
#e2e #privacy #opensource
#childfocus #vrtradio1 #e2e #privacy #opensource
Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: https://u.fsf.org/1df #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption
Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: https://u.fsf.org/1df #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption
Koukám teď na možnosti monitoringu automatizovaných testů, naučil jsem se klíčové slovo #E2E. A teď hledám nějaké řešení, které by se mohlo hodit mně (monitoring testů (včetně performance testů), nějaké UI s grafy k tomu).
Co používáte vy (pokud se vás to týká)?
Nutzt hier jemand Proton Pass?
Bin aktuell bei #Bitwarden aber #ProtonPass sieht sehr interessant aus, bin sowieso #ProtonMail Kunde.
Jemand Erfahrungsberichte zum teilen?
Sonst muss ich ins dunkle tappen ;)
#Datenschutz #passwort #passwortmanager #privavy #cloud #e2e #encryption
#encryption #e2e #cloud #privavy #passwortmanager #passwort #datenschutz #protonmail #protonpass #bitwarden
Zitten Britse gebruikers straks zonder WhatsApp, Signal, iMessage en FaceTime? Waarom na Signal ook Apple dreigt met een Brexit
#encryptie #e2e #endtoendencryptie
#endtoendencryptie #e2e #encryptie
Examples of binary choices where both options seem equally good at first, but really aren't:
When writing parsers using #parser #combinators, consuming trailing whitespace is better than consuming leading whitespace. "Design patterns for parser combinators" https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3471874.3472984
When writing #E2E #tests, clearing the database before each test is better than clearing it after. "Dangling state is your friend" https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/best-practices#Dangling-state-is-your-friend
#parser #combinators #e2e #tests
If you are trying to learn Playwright (e.g. to write #E2E tests), this series by Luca Del Puppo is amazing: https://blog.delpuppo.net/series/playwright
#Google Messages To Support #MLS Protocol For Interoperable #E2E #Encrypted Messaging - Slashdot
#encryption #encrypted #e2e #mls #Google
Apple Threatens to Pull iMessage From UK
A cynic might wonder whether this is just a disguised attempt to get closer to a complete surveillance state or mostly an ignorant and ill-advised attempt to be seen to be doing something. Similarly, is Apple's resistance a stance for privacy or a strategic move to protect its product integrity?
#encryption #europe #imessage #endtoend #e2e #privacyrights
Every govt ❤️️ mass spy: ‘The act lets the [UK] Home Office demand [#e2e #encryption] disabled, without telling the public… issuing a software update’ https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-66256081
RFC-9420 - Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol.
This is an RFC for establishing keys for #e2e #encrypted messages!
Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: https://u.fsf.org/1df #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption
[en] Scientists against EU regulation: Hundreds of scientists warn against EU’s proposed CSA Regulation
"... dangerous implications of weakening end-to-end encryption, which is the only tool we have to protect our data in digital spaces."
#csa #csam #csar #chatcontrol #eu #surveillance #cybersecurity #privacy #encryption #e2e #ee #endtoendencryption #goingdark #messenger
#csa #csam #CSAR #chatcontrol #eu #surveillance #cybersecurity #privacy #encryption #e2e #ee #endtoendencryption #goingdark #messenger
#atMyNextJob there will be #automated #e2e #browser #testing of all the critical business functions using #cypress or #playwright complete with #visual #regression tests to ensure #CSS changes don't break things.
#css #regression #visual #playwright #cypress #testing #browser #e2e #automated #atmynextjob
Big Brother is listening and reading and recording all your texts, direct messages, and everything else. Now easily searchable and understandable by AI. As the noose of theocratic rule tightens, always use e2e encryption or you too could face years in prison for the crime of being a good parent and a decent human being.
Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: https://u.fsf.org/1df #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption