NEW — E4 : Special Presentation
'Go Guilt Free' (2023) trailer (2)
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NEW — E4 : Special Presentation
'Go Guilt Free' (2023) trailer (1)
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A disastrous King’s Indian Defense.
(You can find the PGN in the comment to this post if you want to analyze it).
I often struggle to find the best way to play when my opponent does not challenge the center right away. So, I decided to grab as much space as I could, and I mean, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (e4, d4, c4 and after some moves, f4).
Wow, that was great.
I felt unstoppable.
#chesspunk #e4 #kingsindiandefense #chesscom #chess
NEW — E4 : 2013 Miscellaneous Presentation
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Updated — E4 : 2007 Miscellaneous Presentation
Come Fly the Purple Skies
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Presently watching #DeepImpact on the UK #E4. I've always loved this movie. And yet it's not so well-regarded. #Armageddon is the one people remember/prefer. I think they're both are awesome. But I love this movie!
If you have lost #Channel4 #E4 #More4 etc from your #Freesat box this morning apparently it's a central broadcasting problem so no point in messing with your box. They're working on sorting it out.
This has been a public service announcement.
I'm off to re-enter all my scheduled recordings 🫤
Endlich mal wieder #Gogglebox schauen. Läuft statt auf #Channel4 aktuell auf #E4