Thanks everyone at #ContainerDays for the warm welcome and the interest in all things #eBPF, #Observability and #ChaosEngineering - slides to learn async in
Debugging production with Inspektor Gadget, auto-instrumentation for traces, performance comparisons with eBPF, and more out-of-the-box chaos engineering kept the after talk chats running for another hour.
#containerdays #eBPF #Observability #chaosengineering
👋 🌱 🐝 🤖 🛡️⛅ 👁️ 📚 🔖 🎯 🎥 🎤
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#Observability #devsecops #cloudnative #ai #eBPF
🐝 The Inner Dev learning eBPF
#eBPF Summit 2023, Isovalent learning map for eBPF & cloud journeys (thx @raphink )
Coroot eBPF based TLS tracing for Go apps.
ebpfmon for running eBPF programs.
⚡ So many great sessions submitted for #eBPFSummit 2023 ... enjoyed peeking into use cases, scaling, developer experience, testing, #DevSecOps, #AI & #ML, what's next research, and much more during CFP review.
🤗 Curious about #eBPF? Join the event on Sep 13, 2023.
💡 Register for free:
#ebpfsummit #devsecops #ai #ml #eBPF
👋 🌱 🐝 🤖 🛡️⛅ 👁️ 📚 🔖 🎯 🎥 🎤
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#Observability #devsecops #cloudnative #ai #eBPF
⚡ New Ops in Dev newsletter
#AI weights, Learning #eBPF workshop, tracepusher for CI/CD #Observability, Cost efficiency with Kepler and krr, KubeShark, #Flux 2.0.0
Let's dive in 🤗
#ai #eBPF #Observability #flux
New observability methods with #OpenTelemetry and #eBPF will be uncovered to look deeper into CI/CD pipelines instrumentation, tracing and profiling. Infrastructure cost optimization and capacity planning together with a little help from #AI will enable greater efficiency. 2/2
Practiced a lot for my #eBPF workshop @CloudLandFestival yesterday, while learning about Power BI and Azure monitoring. The eBPF workshop Linux VM froze in the middle, but we continued practicing in theory, and had a great time overall. Everyone can learn async, slides at 🤗 (Kudos to @lizrice for the inspiration)
Kicking off #Cloudland2023 day 2 🔥
Subscribe to the schedule ics at @CloudLandFestival
My "Learning #eBPF for better Observability" workshop starts at 6pm Qaware lounge 💡
👋 🌱 🐝 🤖 🛡️⛅ 👁️ 📚 🔖 🎯 🎥 🎤
Love to learn together, and follow the Ops in Dev newsletter?
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#Observability #devsecops #cloudnative #ai #eBPF
🐝 The Inner Dev learning eBPF
Learning #eBPF for better #Observability on InfoQ
Learning eBPF book by @lizrice (finally read it)
BPF signing
More learning content on
🌱 The Ops in Dev newsletter, June 2023: #GitOps energy efficiency, DevPod development environments, Learning #eBPF & generative #AI, Bridgekeeper #Kubernetes policies, OpenObserve, Grafana Pyroscope, Coroot distributed tracing
Working on my #Cloudland learning sessions 🌱
Learning #eBPF for better Observability
See you soon!
👋 My #eBPF learning experience for you to learn better #observability too: New InfoQ article 🌱 Thanks for the kind review help Ben Linders 🤗
My precious. 🤩
Learning #eBPF book by @lizrice ⚡
Fantastic read before #KubeConEU - let's meet and chat about eBPF and Observability 🤗
Let's meet at #KubeConEU 🤗
🎯 GitLab code challenge (booth P1) with stroopwafels swag
⚡ Lightning talk: Efficient #DevSecOps Pipelines
💬 Chat about #Observability, #eBPF & AI
☕ Coffee/lunch/dinner
My availability is updated publicly:
#kubeconeu #devsecops #Observability #eBPF
In June, I'm excited to join the German #cloudnative festival @CloudLandFestival Let's learn together! 🤗
⚡ Talk: Observability for Efficient #DevSecOps Pipelines
💡 Workshop: Learning #eBPF for better #Observability
#cloudland2023 #Observability #eBPF #devsecops #cloudnative
🔖 Book'mark
Practical OpenTelemetry by @dan_gomezblanco
Resources for becoming a better public speaker, thx Taylor Poindexter