A year of biking my kids to school seems to have gotten at least one other parent to give it a go. #eCargobike #cargobike #ebike #BikeTooter #parenting #climatechange
#eCargobike #cargobike #ebike #BikeTooter #parenting #climatechange
IKEA’s solar powered e-cargo bike delivery trial was a success #ebike #ecargobike
Town centre shoppers offered free e-cargo bike deliveries #ebike #ecargobike
Time to do my #introduction. I am a software developer working on #OpenTripPlanner. I am a huge transit nerd, I love exploring new cities with an unlimited day pass. I live in #Seattle without a car, but I have an #eCargoBike. I am also an electrical engineer and enjoy doing personal projects. I mostly post about things related to my interests in Seattle, but sometimes other cities as well.
#introduction #opentripplanner #seattle #eCargobike
I’ve had an #eCargoBike for almost 3 years now. The thing is I look forward to errands. Take my kid(s), go alone, it doesn’t matter. Traveling for errands aren’t time sucks or dead space. The ride itself means something to me. #UrbanArrowFamily #eBikes #ActiveTravel
#activetravel #ebikes #urbanarrowfamily #eCargobike
Decathlon’s R500 Electric Cargo Bike comes to the UK – although it’s about £1k cheaper in France #ebike #ecargobike
Study finds van drivers see e-cargo bikes as quicker and cheaper but that cycling infrastructure is a barrier #ebike #ecargobike
E-cars get subsidized. Why not e-bikes?
Now they can be!
Oregon USA Legislature is considering a bill to generously subsidize #ebike (up to $1200) and #eCargoBike purchases (up to $1700)
In the PNW? Your voice needed now! Call or email Reps in areas you live, work, and play to say yes to good #TransportationEquity #ClimateChange legislation.
Here’s info on the Legislation: https://bikeportland.org/2022/11/28/first-look-at-oregons-new-e-bike-rebate-legislation-367612
Here’s the contact info of OR State Reps: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/FindYourLegislator/leg-districts-mobile_new.htm
@bfryback photo
#ebike #eCargobike #transportationequity #climatechange
RT @ZoeBanksGross@twitter.com
@David_on_a_bike@twitter.com I did ask at a One City Transport board meeting earlier this year if it could be possible to offer a subsidy to switch from dirty diesel to an #ecargobike. They make getting kids and shopping around hilly Bristol much easier.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ZoeBanksGross/status/1597506268457205760
Since I just changed servers, seems like a good time to post an #Introduction.
I live in Central Saanich, a rural municipality w/in Greater Victoria. I transitioned from being an avid motorist (for lack of a better term) to living car-light thanks to my #EBike & then #ECargoBike. I got my cargobike to take my senior dog places with me & it was the best decision ever (she passed last month). Former speech-language pathologist, figuring out my next path. I believe everyone deserves #RoadSafety.
#introduction #ebike #eCargobike #roadsafety