@EUErasmusPlus lance une initiative de renforcement des capacités dans le domaine de l’Enseignement et de la Formation Professionnelle #EFP (gestion, gouvernance, inclusion, assurance qualité et innovation).
Date limite: 28 fév. 2023 17:00 (Bruxelles).
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEauBenin/status/1622922648123498497
Glad to welcome @RishiSunak at Tapa military base in #Estonia. We thanked the #eFP troops for strengthening our joint security. There's a strong spirit of Alliance in the air as a momentous year for #NATO draws to a close.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kajakallas/status/1604927333156024320
Today, I’ll be attending the Joint Expeditionary Force leaders’ meeting in Riga. We’ll discuss ways for #JEF nations to ensure security in our region.
Later today, I’m welcoming @RishiSunak in Estonia to meet the #eFP troops and discuss our bilateral cooperation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kajakallas/status/1604733684002742272
Pour lire le projet de Déclaration pour la #mobilité des #étudiants de l'#enseignement et de la #formation professionnels #EFP 👉
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1598349883978797057
#mobilité #Étudiants #enseignement #formation #eFP
Pour que les apprentis participent plus et mieux à #Erasmus, je soutiens l'appel de @NicolasSchmitEU @laurencefarreng @ilanacicurelrem @JeanArthuis pour la création d'un espace européen de l'apprentissage et de l'#EFP favorisant la #mobilité des apprentis avec @ErasmusplusFR !🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1598349881202147329
RT @sylvieguillaume: Pour que les apprentis participent plus et mieux à #Erasmus, je soutiens l'appel de @NicolasSchmitEU @laurencefarreng @ilanacicurelrem @JeanArthuis pour la création d'un espace européen de l'apprentissage et de l'#EFP favorisant la #mobilité des apprentis avec @ErasmusplusFR !🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanArthuis/status/1598350395767758848
Bereit für #LVBV: Das #Panzergrenadierbataillon401 übt mit #NATO-Partnern im #Gefechtsübungszentrum bei #Magdeburg. Sie bereiten sich auf ihren Einsatz in #Litauen vor. Ab Januar wird die 13. Rotation bei der Mission #eFP durch die #Hagenower geführt. #StrongerTogether
#LVBV #Panzergrenadierbataillon401 #nato #Gefechtsübungszentrum #magdeburg #Litauen #eFP #Hagenower #StrongerTogether
Originally posted by Christoph Igel / @ProfIgel@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/GermanyNATO/status/1579860909463588869#m
RT by @ProfIgel: #SitaWare enables military leaders to keep an overview of the modern battlefield at all times and to lead their soldiers in the best possible way. The system can be used at multinational level and is already in use at #eFP in #Lithuania. 1/2
RT @BG_LTU_eFP: The 🇱🇹 #HillofCrosses is a symbol for resistance against opression. As a tradition, #eFP BG 🇱🇹 added the cross of the 12th Rotation. It symbolizes our determination to always defend Lithuanias freedom, showing the word 'peace' in the BGs languages. #StrongerTogether #WeAreNATO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/KosmaZlotowski/status/1576140280373587969
#HillofCrosses #eFP #StrongerTogether #WeAreNATO
RT @FrForcesEstonia: Arrival under 🇫🇷 Mirage escort of the "Wolves" subgroup to succeed comrades arrived last March.
Like them, they are fully integrated into @NATO #eFP mission with 🇪🇪,🇬🇧&🇩🇰 troops, participate in interallied exercises & demonstrate their ability for high-intensity operations.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1538014513391206400
Gute, wichtige Nachricht, entspricht @fdp-Forderung, bekräftigt 🇩🇪 Commitment im #Baltikum 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹. #NATO #efp #ifp #Bundeswehr @kajakallas @krisjaniskarins @Pabriks #
RT @AugenGeradeaus: Post Edited: Deutschland verstärkt Truppenpräsenz im Baltikum: aus eFP wird iFP (Nachtrag: Kommunique S https://augengeradeaus.net/2022/06/deutschland-verstaerkt-truppenpraesenz-im-baltikum-aus-efp-wird-ifp/
#Baltikum #nato #eFP #ifp #Bundeswehr
Met with @BWallaceMP.
The UK is a true leader in supporting Ukraine and giving arms.
We must now make a significant leap in NATO's defence, including in the Baltic region. The UK as our #eFP framework nation is a key partner as we strive for credible decisions from Madrid.
RT @BG_LTU_eFP: The last task during #IronWolf for #eFP Battle Group 🇱🇹 was to conduct a counterattack. Training this kind of operation against our #WeAreNATO allies was a pleasure for us, because we are #StrongerTogether and #ready11united! #5YearsAsOne
#IronWolf #eFP #WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether #ready11united #5YearsAsOne
NATO Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battlegroup has been in Estonia since 2017.
Today I welcomed the commanders of 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇰 troops and ambassadors to Stenbock House to mark the 5th anniversary of their presence and contribution to our security.
#StrongerTogether #WeAreNATO #eFP