@millihertz @SweetAIBelle @retronianne I just don't see a reason to use #emacs over #ne, #nano or even #vim.
Not to mention that people who say some bs about "#Unix #Principle" but then use basically a #TUI-#Desktop with #email client, #filemanager and #editor rolled up in one kinda discredits them...
#systemd - like #wayland - fixes a shitton of issues noone else wanted to fix.
SystemD-Haters and Emacs fans are basically the same people AFAICS and they also tend to be toxic Stallmanists...
#wayland #systemd #editor #filemanager #Email #Desktop #tui #principle #Unix #VIM #nano #ne #eMacs
@SweetAIBelle @retronianne You know what really boggles my mind are people who hate #systemd but then love #emacs...
Cuz the latter one is more bloated than the former!
A function to create #sourcehut paste in #Emacs:
Puede tu editor para mindundis hacer esto? https://youtu.be/2VOnKMJqIL0?si=ocyNC7HDHxuUKm0W
Thanks to this PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/252244, just installed emacs29-macport, now my #Emacs setup is declared in one file thanks to #Nix: https://git.sr.ht/~goofansu/dotfiles.nix/tree/main/item/emacs.nix
Following on, a few of us have joined forces to also publish a new Treesitter-based #Emacs mode for #OCaml, available in #MELPA: https://github.com/dmitrig/ocaml-ts-mode
Skewer: live #webDevelopment with #Emacs
Provides live interaction with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML in a web browser. Expressions are sent on-the-fly from an editing buffer to be evaluated in the browser, just like Emacs does with an inferior Lisp process in Lisp modes.
I have that "using delightful free software" feeling again today -- #DuckDB is hilariously good. The stats on MELPA.org (#Emacs packages) are based on processed web logs, which we've kept forever. We used to whittle the relevant data into a normalised sqlite DB file, which has passed 7GB (330M downloads). I'm switching this over to DuckDB and it's super fast and space-efficient for this use case, while being a simple code change. I'll share numbers soon. https://duckdb.org/
One of the 22 yo new hires told me that he bought a "small keyboard" like mine so he could more easily use the #emacs keybindings in #vscode.
Reason: He realizes that in order to "be a wizard" he can't be moving his hands off the #keyboard so often because it obviously wastes so much time.
I wanted to pat his little head!
#eMacs #vscode #keyboard #softwareengineering #parenting
Hello #emacs
Is there a convenient built-in function that works like cycle-spacing, but for blank lines?
Anyone else having issues with #doomEmacs? I did a `doom upgrade` and now I can't get it to open. Did a sync, rebuild and reboot everything, but still get a blank screen when I try to open #emacs.
If you upgraded #DoomEmacs to the latest version and found the icons are missing in mode-line, just install Nerd Fonts, see https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/pull/7364 for details.
Happy to announce there's now a shiny new Treesitter-based #Nix major mode for #Emacs in #MELPA: https://github.com/remi-gelinas/nix-ts-mode ❄️
Been converting my #ObsidianMD notes to #Emacs #orgRoam yesterday and today. It occurred to me there must be a search and replace function, which I found and sped up my conversion no end.
Starting to get the hand of #orgMode now too!
#ObsidianMD #eMacs #orgroam #orgmode
A fair amount of my programming with llms is just making random stuff up and seeing if I get any cool results. Works better with more "experimental" languages like emacs-lisp or elixir, that haven't been reinforcement learned into mediocrity.
Here, getting a quickcheck unit test macro in emacs-lisp:
I don't care if the code works, I care about the idea. I can write stuff myself.