📢 Excited to announce the "Expert Roundtables on the GAP between provision & demand for Advanced #DigitalSkills in #Europe"
Join us as we present LEADS' analysis results and validate them with experts. #ADSkillsEU #eSKILLS #University
Register now: https://advancedskills.eu/event/expert-roundtables-on-the-gap-between-the-provision-demand-for-advanced-digital-skills-in-europe/ https://t.co/CqlI2COHcT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalSkillsEU/status/1676577528151003142
#DigitalSkills #Europe #ADSkillsEU #eSkills #university
RT @EIF4eu: MEP @negrescuvictor welcomes participants and sets the scene at our debate on #DigitalSkills: "#Skills are the currency of the future, so we need to have an action plan at the 🇪🇺 EU level and get really involved in the process." #EIFdebates #eSkills
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/negrescuvictor/status/1519231792473063425
#DigitalSkills #skills #EIFdebates #eSkills