#Hydrogen has a role to play in the future of #aviation. But which one(s)? Fuel cell powertrains for #eVTOLs & regional #aircraft are emerging. What about hydrogen gas turbine aircraft? Which airport supply chains? Watch our TRB webinar with NREL's Scott Cary and TPA's Adam Bouchard: https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/05-25-2023/trb-webinar-electrification-and-hydrogen-technologies-in-airports. ✈️
#airtravel #ClimateAction #energy #EnergyTransition #FutureReady #mobility #infrastructure #research #STEM #transportation
#transportation #stem #Research #infrastructure #mobility #futureready #energytransition #Energy #ClimateAction #airTravel #aircraft #eVTOLS #Aviation #hydrogen
Read my interview with Joe Petrie for Airport Business magazine on preparing aviation facilities for advance air mobility (AAM): https://www.nxtbook.com/endeavor/airportbusiness/may-june-2023/index.php#/p/26. 🛩🚁🔋
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #aircraft #aviation #engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #infrastructure #mobility #transportation #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #AdvancedAirMobility #aam
Are you a city or aviation planner? Are you looking for guidance on urban air #mobility infrastructure? Don't look further & enjoy ACRP #Research Report 243, the only comprehensive "go-to manual" on the matter: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26899/urban-air-mobility-an-airport-perspective. 🚁🛩🏙
#airports #AirTravel #avgeeks #aviation #ElectricFlight #eVTOLs #infrastructure #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #infrastructure #eVTOLS #electricflight #Aviation #avgeeks #airTravel #airports #Research #mobility
This is a good blog article from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on Emergency Medical Services by Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/light/topics/emergency-medical-services-vertical-take-and-landing-aircraft. 🚁
#aircraft #aviation #ElectricAircraft #EmergencyResponse #eVTOLs #MedicalServices #mobility #VerticalFlight #VTOLs
#vtols #verticalflight #mobility #medicalservices #eVTOLS #emergencyresponse #electricaircraft #Aviation #aircraft
Do you want to learn more about Electrification & #Hydrogen Technologies in #Airports? Join me for a #TRB webinar on 5/25 – 2PM-3PM US Eastern Time. Information & (free) registration at this link: https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/05-25-2023/trb-webinar-electrification-and-hydrogen-technologies-in-airports. This webinar will be based on ACRP Research Report 236: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26512/preparing-your-airport-for-electric-aircraft-and-hydrogen-technologies. ✈️ #airports #aviation #ElectricAircraft #engineering #eVTOLs #hydrogen #research #STEM
#stem #Research #eVTOLS #engineering #electricaircraft #Aviation #TRB #airports #hydrogen
Are you attending #Forum79 of @VTOLsociety next month? Don't miss my presentation on #airport & #vertiport compatibility criteria for eVTOL #aircraft design on Wed. 5/17 at 04:30PM ET! Are you looking for the paper? Download Paper 1258 developed with Loup-Giang Nguyen. 🚁🔋
#aviation #engineering #eVTOLs #mobility #STEM #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs
#vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #stem #mobility #eVTOLS #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #vertiport #airport #forum79
Read the new US Government Accountability Office report Transforming #Aviation: Congress Should Clarify Certain Tax Exemptions for Advanced Air #Mobility: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105188. It was a pleasure to provide my perspectives on the matter to the GAO analysts as part of the Airport Consultants Council (ACC) response to the study's industry outreach effort. 🚁🛩️🔋 #advancedairmobility #airports #electricflight #evtols #futureready #infrastructure #transportation #verticalflight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOLS #electricflight #airports #AdvancedAirMobility #mobility #Aviation
"The adoption rate of electric #aviation will vary based on the local market for each use case as well as policies adopted by states and communities.” Read my interview with Ben Goldstein for Aviation Week: https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/advanced-air-mobility/aam-viewpoint-how-should-airports-prepare-electric-aircraft. 🚁🛩✈️🔋 #Aerospace #Aircraft #Airports #ElectricAircraft #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Mobility #STEM #Transportation #VerticalFlight #Vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #eVTOLS #electricaircraft #airports #aircraft #aerospace #Aviation
Read my interview AAM Viewpoint: How Should Airports Prepare for Electric Aircraft? with Ben Goldstein on Aviation Week's website: https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/advanced-air-mobility/aam-viewpoint-how-should-airports-prepare-electric-aircraft. 🚁🛩✈️🔋 #Aerospace #Aircraft #Airports #Aviation #ElectricAircraft #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Mobility #STEM #Transportation #VerticalFlight #Vertiport
#vertiport #electricaircraft #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #eVTOLS #Aviation #airports #aircraft #aerospace
Read my new WSP Insights blog article on Electric Aviation and Advanced Air Mobility Emerging as a Viable Future for Air Travel: https://www.wsp.com/en-us/insights/2022-electric-aviation-future-of-air-travel. 🚁🛩️✈️🔋 #Aerospace #Avgeeks #Aviation #Airports #ClimateAction #eCTOLs #Equity #ElectricAircraft #ElectricFlight #Engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Infrastructure #Innovation #Mobility #RegionalAviation #UAS #VerticalFlight #VTOLs
#vtols #verticalflight #uas #regionalaviation #mobility #innovation #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #electricflight #electricaircraft #equity #ectols #ClimateAction #airports #Aviation #avgeeks #aerospace
Looking for the characteristics of electric aircraft for planning purpose? Check our eACAP database available in the appendices as well as the electronic toolkit of ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26512/preparing-your-airport-for-electric-aircraft-and-hydrogen-technologies. ✈️🛩️🚁🔋 #Aerospace #Aircraft #Airports #Avgeeks #Aviation #ClimateAction #Engineering #eCTOLs #ElectricFlight #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Research #STEM #VerticalFlight #Vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #stem #Research #futureready #eVTOLS #estols #electricflight #ectols #engineering #ClimateAction #Aviation #avgeeks #airports #aircraft #aerospace
Glad to see this reminder in AIAA's #Aerospace America: https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/remote-piloting-through-crowded-skies-looms-large-for-air-taxi-developers/. #eVTOLs & #RPAS are great... But they are not the "AV/CVs of the air"! 🚁+🔋≠ 🚗+🐦 #avgeek #aviation #ElectricFlight #innovation #mobility #VerticalFlight
#RPAS #verticalflight #mobility #innovation #eVTOLS #electricflight #Aviation #avgeek #aerospace
The FAA just upgraded its test facility on electric propulsion systems: https://medium.com/faa/electric-propulsion-research-gets-a-charge-from-upgraded-faa-test-facility-878669748b81. Do you want to learn more about electric #aircraft and #hydrogen technologies? Check our ACRP Research Report 236 for the Transportation Research Board (TRB): https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26512/preparing-your-airport-for-electric-aircraft-and-hydrogen-technologies. 🚁 🛩️ ✈️ 🔋 #avgeek #aviation #engineering #evtols #research #stem
#stem #Research #eVTOLS #engineering #Aviation #avgeek #hydrogen #aircraft