Really glad I got the opportunity to present at the #EAA2023 in Belfast! It was amazing to discuss and learn about different forms of #publicarchaeology across europe.
Bye #Belfast and beautiful Northern Ireland. It was an excellent 5 days of #eaa2023 conference. I feel so lucky to be able to travel for work to new places, meet old and new friends, and hear so many inspiring talks by other archaeologists. Until next year @EAAarchaeology!
#academicchatter #travel
#belfast #eaa2023 #academicchatter #travel
Successful #eaa2023 - farewell dinner at the Titanic, Belfast. Absolute treat.
Done! 1️⃣ 0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣flyers distributed since the beginning of #EAA2023 ! 🎉Hope this will bring some submissions!
Thanks to all who came to our session #EAA2023 (tho I was on zoom)
For those who missed it, and are interested in some fun preliminary data, I've put our talk: "The zooarchaeology of Ancient Crete: Bones, Isotopes, and Environment" on YouTube
Watch here:
Promising and funny session Archaeo-Riddle today about the challenges on computational archaeology #EAA2023
Today is the last day for #EAA2023 , but it's also the day of the #Archaeoriddle workshop! if you are interested in quantitative methods, modeling, open and reproducible research, archaeological inference, crowd sourced science and (or) just want to have fun come and join us in Lanyon Building, room G059!! #archaeology #OpenScience #opensource #rstat
#rstat #opensource #OpenScience #archaeology #archaeoriddle #eaa2023
Besides our discussion session #s515, two further sessions in the afternoon at #EAA2023 are:
1) #s380 #neanderthals of the North: Agency, Ecology & Climate in Challenging Landscapes organised by: Gianpiero Di Maida, Karen Ruebens, Andrzej Wiśniewski & Marcel Weiß. 14:00-16:00, Graduate School TR 7
2) #s357 Connecting a Continent: New Data on Central Asia from the #Mesolithic to Bronze Age organised by Paula Dupuy, Yoshihiro Nishiaki & Svetlana Shnayder – 14:00-18:30, Peter Froggatt Centre 2017
#s515 #eaa2023 #s380 #neanderthals #s357 #Mesolithic
5) morning session at #EAA2023 #s693 Zooarchaeology and mobility in the Past: human-animal interaction in Archaeology from Palaeolithic to Medieval times with Rocío Pazos García, Rosana Cerezo Fernández, Rodrigo Portero Hernández, Cleia Detry & Esteban Álvarez Fernández – 8:30-16:00, Peter Froggatt Centre G007
#EAA2023 morning sessions:
3) #s489 Rare and Precious. Recent Advances on the Analysis of Archaeological Wood. Organisers: Dirk Leder, Oriol López-Bultó, Paloma Vidal-Matutano, Raquel Piqué Huerta & Annemieke Milks – 8:30-13:00, Elmwood Building Geography G029
4) #s534 Diversity in the Spread of #Neolithic Lifeways: Exploring Regional Differences Across Eurasia. Organisers are Rory Connolly, Sonja Kačar, Robert Power, Fiona Pichon & Domingo Salazar-García. From 8:30-13:00, Maths & Physics G017
#eaa2023 #s489 #s534 #neolithic
We have five sessions running since this morning at #EAA2023:
1) #s375 How Far Would You Go? The Role of Mobility in Stone Age Hunter- Gatherer-Fisher Communities organised by Svea Mahlstedt, Caroline Posch, Daniel Groß & Marylise Onfray. From 8:30-13:00, Main Site Tower 2002
2) #s676 Integrating #Neanderthal Legacy: Recent Results of Multi- & Interdiscipl Research. Organisers: Sanjin Mihelic, Ivor Janković, Tamara Leskovar, Francesca Romagnoli & Florent Rivals – 8:30-13:00, Graduate School TR7
#eaa2023 #s375 #s676 #Neanderthal
Good morning! Welcome to the final day of #EAA2023. We finish with some amazing sessions this Saturday (toots to follow). We hope you'll all hang in there and join our PaM Community Discussion session from 14:00 - 18:30 at Peter Froggatt Centre 3006A on #Decolonising #Palaeolithic & #Mesolithic #Archaeology organised by our chairs, Annemieke Milks & @SonjaBGrimm . We are privileged to have several talks and discussants from India, North America & Australia.
#eaa2023 #decolonising #palaeolithic #Mesolithic #archaeology
Today I'm talking about beavers in the past and how exploring the past can help in current #rewilding schemes. Session 267 10:00
Today our colleague #SheridanStrang gave a great presentation about the multidisciplinary analysis of a calcified object found in a burial at the #earlymedieval #cementry of #StPeter in #vienna
#sheridanstrang #earlymedieval #cementry #stpeter #vienna #eaa2023 #stadtarchaologiewien #NHMWien #bioarchaeology
At 17:00 #ClusterRoots member Dennis Wilken et al. will present »An interdisciplinary Field Approach on Norse Landing Places in Western Scotland« as part of Session 143 at #EAA2023
The presentation »Of Swamp and Sand: Coastal and Island Archaeology in #NorthFrisia, Germany« is not only about #Rungholt, but the mysterious sunken settlement definitely plays a role. Today as part of session 164 of the #EAA2023 (14:15 #Belfast time)
#belfast #eaa2023 #Rungholt #Northfrisia
Today I'm presenting at the #EAA2023 on the first animal husbandry in the Netherlands, ca 6000 years ago. We found evidence for extensive mobility among the livestock of these hunter-farmers 🐄 🤩 Why were they moving around with their livestock so much? We don't know yet but will keep investigating 😃
11.30 in session 102.
#archaeology #academicchatter #animals @EAAPaM
#eaa2023 #archaeology #academicchatter #animals
The last but not least session of the day at #EAA2023 of our #Palaeolithic and #Mesolithic community begins after the afternoon coffee break:
#s666 Prospecting Prehistoric Land Use and its Environment: Challenges and Perspectives for Investigating Lifeways of Hunter Gatherers and Early Farmers. organised Philippe De Smedt, Stephen Davis, Satu Koivisto & Martin Moucheron. 16:30-18:30, Peter Froggatt Centre G007
Enjoy! Tag us in anything relevant incl. relevant talks not in one of these sessions!
#eaa2023 #palaeolithic #Mesolithic #s666
Another two sessions with #Palaeolithic & #Mesolithic research begin after lunch at #EAA2023:
1) #s315 Neanderthals in Mediterranean Landscapes is organised by Cristina Val- Peón, Juan Ochando Tomás, Mónica Fernández-García. 14:00-16:00, Peter Froggatt Centre 3011
2) #s530 Eurasia before and after the 8.2 ka BP Event – A Significant Horizon of Cultural Change? Organisers:José Ramón Rabuñal, Felix Riede, Mikael A. Manninen, Javier Fernández-López de Pablo. 14:00-16:00, Peter Froggatt Centre 2013
#palaeolithic #Mesolithic #eaa2023 #s315 #s530
There is also a hidden session about #Palaeolithic & #Mesolithic research at #EAA2023:
#s256 Pleistocene lithic raw material charaterisation to interpret mobility patterns and settlement dynamics organised by Buno Gómez de Soler, Maria Soto, Julien Favreau. - Main site Tower, room 2003, 8:30-13:00.
#palaeolithic #Mesolithic #eaa2023 #s256