Great paper on wood #DecayFungi associated with galleries of the #EmeraldAshBorer #EAB by Simeto et al. Cool data on aggressive white-rot fungi on attacked ash trees.
#decayfungi #emeraldashborer #eab
The emerald ash borer kills ash trees. Infestations are in 36 states. Learn more about this invasive species and the efforts to maintain ash in the American landscape:
Presenting some #EAB updates today at the North Texas Urban Forestry Conference 👌🏼
We planted flowering shrubs in our wetlands for pollinators.
Yet the tree removal company needed to use tthat space. I fear all of our shrubs have been destroyed under the tires of the tree removal company.
The tree removal company was here today to remove the ash trees killed by emerald ash borer (#EAB).
It is wet in #Minnesota. The snow is slippery because of how warm it is. 32ºF snow is very much different than 30ºF snow.
After removing the snow, they scarified the land so they had traction to get up the hill. I'm praying the native prairie plants will come up from their deep roots.
Native #prairie plants have deep roots. I don't know how deep native bees make their burrows.
The tree removal company arrived today to remove the dead ash trees from our property. The ash trees killed by emerald ash borer (EAB).
Twenty ash trees were removed.
Twenty trees that provided shelter for birds and small mammals, shade, water filtratrion, soil stabilization.
Yes, I am sad. I am angry!
I watched those trees grow from saplings. I nutured them. From the parent tree.
Now they are just debris in our yard. Even the parent.
#southstpaul #minnesota #ashtree #eab #emeraldashborer
La jaro de la Esperanto Asocio de Britio laŭ eldon-agado: sufiĉe fekunda! Entute, EAB eldonis en 2022 15 alt-kvalitajn librojn!
#esperanto #libro #libroj #eab #britio #britujo #literature
Hi! Rebuilding my #foresthealth network here following recent news from the bird app 😅.
I am a #ForestEntomologist working with the #TexasA&MForestService.
Some of the areas/topics I’m into: #ForestPests #InvasiveSpecies #ClimateChange #Taxonomy #Systematics #Ecology #Monitoring #EarlyDetection #BarkBeetles #EAB #AmbrosiaBeetles #LaurelWilt #OakWilt #Science #ForestManagement #Forests
Some info about my work:
#foresthealth #forestentomologist #texasa #forestpests #invasivespecies #climatechange #taxonomy #systematics #ecology #monitoring #earlydetection #barkbeetles #eab #ambrosiabeetles #laurelwilt #oakwilt #science #forestmanagement #forests