Before the downfall of Fassking's Gardens, Louis Fassking was a fervent participant in the fierce debates surrounding horsecar lines. Steve Gorman tells the surprising yet familiar tale of the battles surrounding public transportation in the 1800s.
#Alameda #Railroad #EagleAvenue #GrandStreet #GrandStation #MinturnCourt #LincolnAvenue #LouisFassking #FasskingsResort #AlamedaTreasures #MarcuseAndRemmel #SantaClaraAvenue #AlamedaOaklandAndPiedmontRailroad
#alameda #Railroad #eagleavenue #grandstreet #grandstation #minturncourt #lincolnavenue #louisfassking #fasskingsresort #alamedatreasures #marcuseandremmel #santaclaraavenue #alamedaoaklandandpiedmontrailroad
After Fassking’s Hotel and Gardens closed, the buildings were moved and repurposed. Steve Gorman details the moving process and Grand Station's subsequent transformation into a beautiful residential neighborhood following the loss of the hotel.
#Alameda #WoodyMinor #EagleAvenue #GrandStreet #UnionStreet #FelixMarcuse #GrandStation #JuliusRemmel #MinturnCourt #WalterSueell #EncinalAvenue #LouisFassking #StanfordStreet #AlamedaTreasure #FasskingsResort #SantaClaraAvenue
#alameda #woodyminor #eagleavenue #grandstreet #unionstreet #felixmarcuse #grandstation #juliusremmel #minturncourt #waltersueell #encinalavenue #louisfassking #stanfordstreet #alamedatreasure #fasskingsresort #santaclaraavenue