Eagle Dynamics announced engine modelling improvements: https://www.helisimmer.com/news/eagle-dynamics-engine-modeling-improvements
#flightsim #dcs #dcsworld #eagledynamics
I think this is the year I will buy and construct a rig to properly play #EagleDynamics #DigitalCombatSimulator #DCS. I get too excited by the prospect of flying my favorite fighter, the F-15E Strike Eagle. I got an incentive ride in SN 90-0258 in 1992 out of RAF Lakenheath and it blew my mind. https://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=161832 Now that the prospect of buying an official DCS version of the plane seems real, I’m motivated. https://youtu.be/jIY8eIDUHZU
#eagledynamics #digitalcombatsimulator #dcs
It is a joy watching these. Cato and the team really out-do themselves year after year. Always great to be part of this community.
#DCSWorld #eagledynamics
I was just watching part of today’s performance by the virtual #Thunderbirds. They use #DigitalCombatSimulator #DCSWorld #DCS by #EagleDynamics to simulate the real USAF demo team show. So much of this is amazing. First, the pilot skill is off the charts. Second, I had to remind myself that this was a commercial simulator on PCs. Third, apart from a few Twitch glitches, the demo showed how pilots could coordinate precise flying using the Internet. (I don’t recommend it for real; I’m just amazed it works at all). Demo starts here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1675275264?t=43970s
#thunderbirds #digitalcombatsimulator #dcsworld #dcs #eagledynamics
The 10 Percent True podcast is starting a new video series... Blending the history of the Strike Eagle and previews of the upcoming DCS module by Razbam, this series promises to be great!
#dcs #f15e #StrikeEagle #eagledynamics
Low Level Heaven offering training and test for the community: https://www.helisimmer.com/news/low-level-heaven-offering-training-test-community
#flightsim #dcs #dcsworld #eagledynamics
The Flare Path: RTFM - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/scXeGgVCg2I/ #ParaglidingSimulator #FeaturedArticles #OlegTishchenko #EagleDynamics #TheFlarePath #DCSWorld2 #TinySim
#paraglidingsimulator #featuredarticles #olegtishchenko #eagledynamics #theflarepath #dcsworld2 #tinysim