We are delighted to be publishing the EAPC abstract book online. Do check it out before you visit #EAPC2023 to plan your days out and see the latest in #palliativecare research. #hpm #hapc https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/02692163231172891
#eapc2023 #PalliativeCare #hpm #HAPC
Join us in Rotterdam for #EAPC2023 #Equity & #Diversity in #PalliativeCare
It will be the first time in 4 years that we are all in the same room!
#eapc2023 #equity #diversity #PalliativeCare
#EAPC2023 is going to be in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15 -
17 June 2023.
Registration is now open: https://bit.ly/3e5Fcaz
Hello Mastodon community. We are the European Association for Palliative Care and looking forward to engaging here on this platform. #PalliativeCare #PallCare
#PalliativeCare #pallcare #eapc2023