Loved #TheWorstWomanInLondon which throws in the happy ending of a #romancenovel but with a very different premise! The love in this book is hard won and a lot of readers will love the message on the importance of #financialindependence! #JuliaBennet wrote a book worth reading!
While I had an #earc from #netgalley, the book is also available on #kindleunlimted!
#theworstwomaninlondon #romancenovel #financialindependence #juliabennet #earc #NetGalley #kindleunlimted #bookreview #bookblog
Technik-Tipp für Fans von #DolbyAtmos und #AppleTV: #AppleTV muss per HDMI direkt mit der Ausgabe gekoppelt werden - laut Kleingedrucktem. #DolbyAtmos geht NICHT über #eARC! Wenn man das dann getan hat, wird man mit wirklich ausgezeichnetem Klang belohnt. 🤩
I have legacy (pre-HDMI) 5.1 speakers that I'd rather not replace.
Is there a gadget out there that would let me control the *volume* from my smart TV (via eARC)?
Would the below plus an HDMI audio extractor suffice to give me volume control? (I have the extractor, but it doesn't give me volume control)
Thanks for any insight.
#audio #speakers #hdmi #earc #surround #roku #smartTV #legacy
#audio #speakers #hdmi #earc #surround #roku #smarttv #legacy
What are HDMI eARC and ARC? A quick guide
So you purchased a shiny new TV on Black Friday and need HDMI cables. But what are HDMI eARC and HDMI ARC? Let's find out.
#HDMI #ARC #eARC #whatthe #technews
#hdmi #arc #earc #whatthe #technews
@Jenichappelle #NetGalley, #BookSirens #eARC, #ARC.
Hoping to reach some of the other folks who read/review/blog. I know I'm autoapproved for several Harper Collins imprints (mostly juvenile/MG), and it's no trouble to pause those.
#netgalley #booksirens #earc #arc