A very bad just to let everyone know that rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated.

The was repaired no problems - looking forward to taking it for a test drive soon 😜

#recoveryroom #selfie #eardrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Sorry for the silence 2day. One of my IMploded and is stuck inside my middle ear.

Bad side is I’m now 100% in that ear and it hurts like a mofo. is also screwed up to 11 so that’s fun 😬.

Good side is that I get lots of drugs tomorrow when they remove the tube and save my . Also, don’t have to go to that meeting at work I was dreading 🀣

This is NOT the way I was hoping my hot fuzzy was going to penetrate me 😒🀣

#ear #tubes #deaf #tinnitus #eardrum #ent #hearingimpaired #hoh #surgery

Last updated 2 years ago