Earendel is the most distant star ever detected, and it was discovered by astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope.
#JWST #EARENDEL #DistantStar #MostDistantStar #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #Space #SpaceScience #SpaceTechnology
#jwst #earendel #distantstar #mostdistantstar #jameswebb #spacetelescope #space #spacescience #spacetechnology
"Earendel": Weltraumteleskop James Webb lichtet am weitesten entfernten Stern ab
Die Entdeckung von "Earendel" war eine wissenschaftliche Sensation. Nun hat das Weltraumteleskop James Webb den enorm weit entfernten Stern ins Visier genommen.
#Astronomie #Earendel #Gravitationslinsen #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #JamesWebbWeltraumteleskop #Kosmologie #Sternenforschung #stern
#verpasstodon #astronomie #earendel #gravitationslinsen #jameswebbspacetelescope #jameswebbweltraumteleskop #kosmologie #sternenforschung #stern
Most distant star Earendel detected, using the James Webb Space Telescope.
#Earendel #MostDistantStar #JWST #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #Space #Telescope
#earendel #mostdistantstar #jwst #jameswebbspacetelescope #space #telescope
Gizmodo: Webb Telescope Image Suggests Even the Most Distant Star Has Company https://gizmodo.com/webb-telescope-image-most-distant-star-company-1850726205 #jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
#jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
Webb licht sluier Earendel – de verst verwijderde ster – op
Earendel is ongeveer twee keer zo heet als de Zon en heeft vermoedelijk een stellaire begeleider. Astronomen zijn begonnen met het meten van de verste ster die ooit is gevonden.
#Earendel #hubble #JWST #VerstVerwijderdeSter #WebbSpaceTelescope
#webbspacetelescope #verstverwijderdester #JWST #hubble #earendel
Detecting extremely distant stars can provide insights into the first few chapters of the history of our universe. In 2022, Hubble broke its own record, and spotted the most distant star yet. #Earendel emitted its light within the universe’s first billion years. (1/3) 🧵
Gizmodo: Ancient Stars Spinning Near Milky Way Center Could Unravel Galactic Evolution https://gizmodo.com/old-stars-near-milky-way-center-unravel-galactic-evolut-1850606172 #supermassiveblackhole #technologyinternet #globularcluster #galacticcenter #galacticbulge #ankearentsen #sagittariusa #draftcid947 #astronomy #whl0137ls #milkyway #galaxies #earendel #star
#supermassiveblackhole #technologyinternet #globularcluster #galacticcenter #galacticbulge #ankearentsen #sagittariusa #draftcid947 #astronomy #whl0137ls #milkyway #galaxies #earendel #star
#Earendel: A #Star in the #EarlyUniverse
#Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#earendel #star #EarlyUniverse #astronomy #picture #apod
#astronomy #stars #Hubble An article published in the journal "Nature" reports the discovery of the most distant single star, nicknamed #Earendel.
#astronomy #stars #hubble #earendel