Now we can evaluate nice looking expressions, like this one √(-4²) with our #Earley parser.
#haversmalltalk #Haver #earley
I just completed "Distress Signal" - Day 13 - Advent of Code 2022 #AdventOfCode
Today is also the first day, I use external libraries. Using a real parsing library made things so much easier.
Additionally I stared an "Aoc" Library of useful Aoc related functions, like `splitOn :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]`, that divides a list by some a.
Code is here:
#haskell #earley #adventofcode #adventofcode2022 #coding #code
#adventofcode #haskell #earley #AdventOfCode2022 #coding #code
Awesome lightning display over #Earley, #rdguk tonight. #CloseEncountersOfTheThirdKind #IndependenceDay
#earley #rdguk #closeencountersofthethirdkind #independenceday