Voici un extrait du chapitre sur la Compréhension Juste, du livre Le Noble Octuple Sentier du Vénérable Bhikkhu Bodhi.
Ce livre offre une explication concise et approfondie du Chemin Octuple.
Vous pouvez trouver une copie de la version française ici: https://bit.ly/sentieroctuple
#dhamma #dharma #buddhism #earlybuddhism #buddhistwisdom #bhikkhubodhi #nibbana #nibbāna #buddha #bouddhisme #sagessebouddhiste #bouddha #sentieroctuple #bouddhismeancien
#bouddhismeancien #sentieroctuple #bouddha #sagessebouddhiste #bouddhisme #buddha #nibbana #BhikkhuBodhi #buddhistwisdom #earlybuddhism #buddhism #dharma #dhamma
To support mother and father...
~Mangala #Sutta
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes
#EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism #Dharma
#dharma #earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #sutta
Reflection for the #Dhamma practitioner:
Time flies, nights pass by,
the stages of life leave us one by one.
Seeing this peril in death,
a seeker of peace would drop the world’s bait.
#Buddhism #PaliCanon #sutta #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism #Theravada #TheravadaBuddhism
#theravadabuddhism #Theravada #earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #suttas #sutta #palicanon #buddhism #dhamma
In the Kimila #Sutta, Venerable Kimbila asks the #Buddha the reasons the true teachings will last long after His demise.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes #TheravadaBuddhism #EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism #dharma
#dharma #earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #theravadabuddhism #realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #buddha #sutta
Someone who’s fond of conceit can’t be tamed,
and someone without immersion can’t be a sage.
Living negligent alone in the wilderness,
they can’t pass beyond Death’s domain.
Having given up conceit, serene within oneself,
with a healthy heart, everywhere free;
living diligent alone in the wilderness,
they pass beyond Death’s domain.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #sutta #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism #TheravadaBuddhism
#theravadabuddhism #earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #suttas #sutta #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism
Not despising, not harming, restraint according to the code of monastic discipline, moderation in food, dwelling in solitude, devotion to #meditation — this is the teaching of the #Buddhas.
~#Dhammapada 185
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon
#sutta #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism #TheravadaBuddhism
#realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #theravadabuddhism #earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #suttas #sutta #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #Dhammapada #buddhas #meditation
These two people are hard to find in the world. Which two?
The one who is first to do a #kindness, and
the one who is #grateful for a kindness done and feels obligated to repay it.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon
#sutta #EarlyBuddhistTexts #EarlyBuddhism
#earlybuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #sutta #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #grateful #kindness
When a foolish, incompetent bad person has four qualities, they keep themselves broken and damaged.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #sutta #suttas #PaliCanon #EarlyBuddhism
#earlybuddhism #palicanon #suttas #sutta #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism
These seven perceptions, when developed and cultivated, are very fruitful and beneficial.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #sutta #Theravada #RealBuddhaQuotes #PaliCanon #EarlyBuddhism
#earlybuddhism #palicanon #realbuddhaquotes #Theravada #sutta #dhamma #buddhism