Our yPC Forum "PhD - and then?" will start 14:20! We'll discuss challenges and fears of early career scientists moving to industry! #BunsenTagung2023 #earlyCareerAcademic
#bunsentagung2023 #earlycareeracademic
Hello world! We are the young Physical Chemists, the youth organization of the German #bunsen society for #PhysicalChemistry! We organize #workshops and online #seminars and inform you about early career opportunities like open positions and grants! #introduction #chemistry #chemiverse #chemtoots #earlyCareerAcademic
#bunsen #physicalchemistry #workshops #seminars #introduction #chemistry #chemiverse #chemtoots #earlycareeracademic
So, it turns out was a really interesting workshop.
Two main things I am gonna put in place (might be obvious things but jic):
1) Have 2 To-do lists, one big one for your main projects for the next 3 months, and another daily one, with small and doable things (to cheer you up too 😜 )
2) Book a day a week (or two half days) for writing, and turn everything else off, no excuses, no procrastination.
#compchem #academiclife #timemanagement #EarlyCareerAcademic
#earlycareeracademic #timemanagement #academiclife #compchem