@akundaje Good move. Slowly doing the same. And let’s promote use of hash tags to elevate posts from early career folks
#PhD #EarlyCareerResearcher #EarlyCareerGenomics etc
They won’t get any boost from algorithms which, for their problems, also had the advantage of broadening the reach of new or underrepresented voices
#PhD #earlycareerresearcher #earlycareergenomics
Hashtag followed. If we boost early career stage folks more when they post plus add the hashtag when interacting it should help.
Since most posts will get lost in reverse chronological timeline, and junior folks in genomics don't have the existing network for "boosts" that senior folks have, maybe a hashtag -- which we can all follow -- to aid discovery of posts specifically from early career stage folks like grad students and postdocs? #EarlyCareerGenomics ? Any other ideas?