Call for Papers 📢
Noch bis zum 28.02.2023 können Beiträge zur Second BRISE Conference on #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment eingereicht werden.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Beiträge zu unserer Präsenzveranstaltung am 19. und 20. Juni 2023 in Berlin mit Vorträgen von Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek und Pauline Slot @UtrechtUniversiteit
Call for papers 📢 The submission window for the BRISE conference on #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment on June 19-20th is open until February 28th. Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek @TempleUniv & @pauline_slot @UniUtrecht will present keynote addresses. We are looking forward to your contributions! @bmbf_bund
Interesting variation on the "but wait, men are the weaker [more vulnerable] sex" strain in health research (as seen, e.g., in nutritional stress, infectious disease, conflict, and longevity contexts).
Be Worried About Boys, Especially Baby Boys | Darcia Narvaez, PhD, via #AttachmentTheory #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment
#Attachmenttheory #earlychildhooddevelopment