Here is the third #song from the #SuzeeScienceSinger #H2O workshop, teaching basic #science concepts to younger kids. As I sing this song we are either outside making a rainbow by spraying water with a hose (weather permitting), or we are inside using a prism.
#ChildrensEducation #ChildrensEntertainment #EarlyChildhoodEducation
#scienceEducation #originalMusic #Songwriting #Mustomusic #Music #mustodonmusic #Physics
#physics #mustodonmusic #music #mustomusic #songwriting #originalmusic #scienceeducation #earlychildhoodeducation #childrensentertainment #childrenseducation #science #h2o #suzeesciencesinger #song
This is the second #Song from the #SuzeeScienceSinger #EarlyChildhoodEducation #chemistry workshop, #H20. The first song discusses states of matter in a pop format. This is an #ArtSong about the water cycle. #music #originalmusic #ScienceEducation #Science #composer #songwriter #children #education
#education #children #songwriter #composer #science #scienceeducation #originalmusic #music #artsong #h20 #chemistry #earlychildhoodeducation #suzeesciencesinger #song
This is the second #Song from the #SuzeeScienceSinger #EarlyChildhoodEducation #chemistry workshop, #H20. The first song discusses states of matter in a pop format. This is an #ArtSong about the water cycle. #music #originalmusic #ScienceEducation #Science #composer #songwriter #children #education
#education #children #songwriter #composer #science #scienceeducation #originalmusic #music #artsong #h20 #chemistry #earlychildhoodeducation #suzeesciencesinger #song
The second #SuzeeScienceSinger Workshop is called #H2O. It's presents some basic #Chemistry concepts. Before I sing this song we talk about molecules. After I sing this song, we pretend we are molecules at different temperatures.
#music #ScienceExplainer #ChildrensShow #composer #songwriter #originalMusic #EarlyChildhoodEducation #ScienceEducation
#scienceeducation #earlychildhoodeducation #originalmusic #songwriter #composer #childrensshow #scienceexplainer #music #chemistry #h2o #suzeesciencesinger
Before I, as #SuzeeScienceSinger, sing this #OriginalSong about the #OxygenCycle and #Trees (the last in the #BugsAndSeeds workshop for young children), we all hold hands and go around in a circle. We notice a circle has no beginning and no end.
After all the songs, games, art projects, seed dissecting, and seed planting we did, it is very relaxing.
#EarlyChildhoodEducation #music #Ecology #EnvironmentalScience #ScienceEducation #OldGrowthForests
#oldgrowthforests #scienceeducation #environmentalscience #ecology #music #earlychildhoodeducation #bugsandseeds #trees #oxygencycle #originalsong #suzeesciencesinger
Here is the third song about #BugsAndSeeds from the #SuzeeScienceSinger #science workshops that I do for young children. After inspecting the anatomy of soaked bean seeds, we pretend we are seeds, spliting, pushing down our roots, pushing through the dirt towards the sunlight and unfurling our leaves
I ask the kids what kind of plant they are. One little boy told me he was an Apple Crisp #tree.
#originalmusic #EarlyChildhoodEducation #biology #scienceEducation #AppleCrisp #kidsAreCute #botany
#botany #kidsarecute #applecrisp #scienceeducation #biology #earlychildhoodeducation #originalmusic #tree #science #suzeesciencesinger #bugsandseeds
One of my characters is #SuzeeScienceSinger who does fun science workshops for really young children. Here is one of the songs from the first workshop "Bugs and Seeds"#education #earlychildhoodeducation #music #originalmusic #science #insects #biology #scienceeducation
#scienceeducation #biology #insects #science #originalmusic #music #earlychildhoodeducation #education #suzeesciencesinger
Yesterday's parent meeting went well, which I expected. Today's parent meeting...well, my boss offered me a flack jacket. I did stock up on chocolate and wine. The latter will have to wait until I'm home, of course. But I have lots of chocolate for the work day!
I need wine and chocolate. I have 2 parent meetings this week, different families. 1 is for early intervention and should go well. It's basically a chance for parents, specialists, and myself to catch up on his growth and plan for the new school year.
The second meeting...AAAAARRRRGGGGHHH. I'll just say we all want what's best for the child, but our opinions on that topic diverge. Also, dad is being a pushy a-hole.
Global News BC: B.C. falling behind on wages for early childhood educators amidst staff shortage: Report #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryOfEducationAndChildCare #earlychildhoodeducationBC #EarlyChildhoodEducation #earlychildhoodeducators #10dollarsadaychildcare #Education #Politics #Economy #BCECEs #ECE's
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryofeducationandchildcare #earlychildhoodeducationbc #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodeducators #10dollarsadaychildcare #education #politics #economy #bceces #ece
#Today for #MusicMonday I offer this #SuzeeScienceSinger song. It is the last song of the Magnets! Workshop. We magnetize a nail and stick it into a cork, place it into an ice cream pail of water and VOILA, a compass!!!
Then I sing this song. Each kid takes a compass home!
#EarlyChildhoodEducation #Science #physics #magnetism #OriginalMusic #Songwriting #Music
#music #songwriting #originalmusic #magnetism #physics #science #earlychildhoodeducation #suzeesciencesinger #musicmonday #today
The Onion: Entire Petting Zoo In Heat #earlychildhoodeducation #exoticanimalpettingzoo #entertainment #humaninterest #heavypetting #pettingzoo #makingout #other #zoos #play
#earlychildhoodeducation #exoticanimalpettingzoo #entertainment #humaninterest #heavypetting #pettingzoo #makingout #other #zoos #play
Vancouver Mom: Nurturing Young Minds for a Sustainable Future with Terra Early Learning #vancouver #vancouvermom #momhacks #social-emotionaldevelopment #earlychildhoodeducation #environmentalchallenges #Preschoolers:Ages3to4 #earlylearningcentre #EducationVancouver #Healthandwellness #sustainablefuture #diverseeducation #Highlights #well-being #Education #Highlight #education #sponsored
#Vancouver #vancouvermom #momhacks #social #earlychildhoodeducation #environmentalchallenges #Preschoolers #earlylearningcentre #educationvancouver #healthandwellness #sustainablefuture #diverseeducation #Highlights #well #education #Highlight #sponsored
In the #SuzeeScience-Singer workshop on #MAGNETS! I repeat the Teeny Weeny Electrons and the Opposites Attract songs and then do this song "Magnetized" After which we make magnets and race "cars" using the magnets we made!
This is the first song I ever dared to do a #guitar solo on. No I am NOT a guitar player... but I played one on this song!
#EarlyChildhoodEducation #ScienceEducation #Science #physics #originalMusic #songwriting
#songwriting #originalmusic #physics #science #scienceeducation #earlychildhoodeducation #guitar #magnets #suzeescience
I hired Dr. Barbara Cooper as the Alabama State Department of Education’s chief academic officer. She was the first black educator to hold that position. She is an exceptional educator and an even better person. When foolish laws are enacted, children are deprived of knowledge and good people are hurt. #alabama #education #earlychildhoodeducation #BarbaraCooper
#barbaracooper #earlychildhoodeducation #Education #alabama
Lionharts’ (Instagram) April #Tarot Challenge Day 5:
Where can I infuse more playfulness and curiosity in my approach to life?
Ace of Disks (Pentacles) from the Luna Sol Tarot
This card can represent the physical manifestation of one’s purpose. In my case, the work that I do, which is my passion. I’m lucky that way. I do though tend to take my work very seriously, having Saturn in Capricorn…..Even though I work in a field surrounded by the youngest children, most of my day is spent in the muck and mire, heavy meetings, planning, budgeting, making sure the foundations are secure…..not the fun part of this work. And it can be a real drag.
What I’ve always loved about the #EarlyChildhoodEducation field is the excitement in conversation with other educators who are as excited about our work as I am; who love talking about things like figuring out how we can set up the classroom to better support a child’s autonomous engagement and agency, or how a two year old can be so excited to discover that toy cars roll down ramps much faster than a square block. And being in a classroom watching the kindness of a three year old as he spontaneously goes to help his autistic classmate who has been struggling to button her coat before they go outside to the playground. So beautiful. These are the sorts of moments I need to fit into my daily life. They prevent the burnout that I’ve felt over the past 3 years, since the pandemic started. Thank you Ace of Disks for reminding me.
#Tarot #earlychildhoodeducation
#Today, my #SongOfTheDay answers the #musical question "What's Electricty? This is thec3rd #song of the #SuzeeScienceSinger Teeny Weeny Electrons workshop titles Teeny Weeny Electrons #EarlyChildhoodEducation #science #physics #songwriter #originalmusic for #children. I sing this song and then use a balloon to show on a volunteer how loosing electrons makes your hair stand up and gaining electrons enable a balloon to make confetti jump onto the balloon. This really exites the kids. 1/2
#children #originalmusic #songwriter #physics #science #earlychildhoodeducation #suzeesciencesinger #song #musical #songoftheday #today
#Today, my #SongOfTheDay asks (but doesn't answer) the #musical question "What's Electricty? It is the second #song of the #SuzeeScienceSinger Teeny Weeny Electrons workshop. #EarlyChildhoodEducation #science #physics #songwriter #originalmusic for #children
#children #originalmusic #songwriter #physics #science #earlychildhoodeducation #suzeesciencesinger #song #musical #songoftheday #today
Research-Backed Practices to Impact Students' Academic and Social-Emotional Growth #academicchatter #earlychildhoodeducation
#academicchatter #earlychildhoodeducation
One of the little ones in my program has given me this much prized possession. I am honored.