The Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. #History #Djoser #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #Egypt
#egypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt #djoser #History
The Early Dynastic Period In Egypt (c. #History #Djoser #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #Egypt
#egypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt #djoser #History
The Early Dynastic Period In Egypt (c. #History #Djoser #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #Egypt
#egypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt #djoser #History
The world's longest river, located in Egypt, the Nile flows 4,132 miles (6,650 kilometres) northward to the Mediterranean Sea (a very unusual direction for a river to take). #History #Byblos #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #Egypt
#egypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt #byblos #History
The kings of the First Dynasty of Egypt (c. #History #Apis #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #FirstDynastyofEgypt
#firstdynastyofegypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt #apis #History
Menes (c. 3150 BCE) is the legendary first king of Egypt who is thought to have united Upper and Lower Egypt through conquest and founded both the First Dynasty and the great city of Memphis. His name is known from sources such as Manetho's Chronology (3rd century BCE), The Turin King List, and the Palermo Stone as well as from some scant archaeological evidence such as ivory engravings. In the... #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #FirstDynastyofEgypt #MemphisAncientEgypt
#memphisancientegypt #firstdynastyofegypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt
The Second Dynasty of Egypt (c. 2890 - c. 2670 BCE) rose from the turmoil which ended the first and was marked by uprisings (or, at least, internal difficulties) throughout. The precise cause of this civil unrest is unclear as sources for this period are confused and even the dates of the rulers are unreliable. Some of the names of the kings given by Manetho are not supported by any archaeologi... #EarlyDynasticPeriodInEgypt #SecondDynastyofEgypt #ThirdDynastyofEgypt
#thirddynastyofegypt #seconddynastyofegypt #earlydynasticperiodinegypt